Odd issue using SplitFile.js

Odd issue using SplitFile.js


    Jul 13, 2022#1

    I have been using SplitFile.js for sometime now; however I just got a new i9 Dell 3650 Tower and I get an "Cannot allocate memory" error when trying to run the script and it sort of works; see attached. FWIW, it works on my i9 Dell 7550 Precision laptop, so I am using it as the work around.

    So my silly question is, is there some configuration that I need to do for the new computer?

    My UE version:
    Ultra Edit Split File Results.jpg (122.44KiB)
    Ultra Edit Split File Error.jpg (258.33KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jul 13, 2022#2

      Well, the question cannot be really answered without seeing the code of the UltraEdit script.

      Do you have used on Dell 7550 Precision laptop the command Backup settings to backup all your UltraEdit configuration into a file and used on Dell 3650 Tower the same command to Restore the configuration from the backup file created on laptop?

      The error message itself just tells us that the JavaScript core engine or UltraEdit itself (depends on code) cannot allocate a large enough block from RAM.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jul 13, 2022#3

        I can run the "Backup Settings" and share them with you if you desire, but before I do that, I have to know if there is anything in the file that would need to be sanitized.

        FWIW the configuration is simple and is the same on both computers; the only configuration changes I made are ... "work with No backup", "Do not reload previous files" and "Open files without temp file and no prompt"; aside from this, the installation should be default.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jul 14, 2022#4

          Okay, so the configuration is the same on both computers. That means a configuration settings cannot be responsible for the difference on script execution. Therefore sharing your configuration with you is also not necessary.

          It would be good if you would share with us the script file SplitFile.js to look on the code which results on execution in the error message.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Jul 14, 2022#5

            Thanks and here you go ...

            Code: Select all

            // First file (most left on file tabs bar) must be the file to split.     
            if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0) {  // Is any file opened?              
               var nLinesPerFile = 100000;                                           
               var nNextLineNum = nLinesPerFile + 1;                                  
               var nFileCount = 0;                                                    
               var bCopyFirstLine = false;   // Copy first line into every file.       
               // Define the environment for the script.                              
               // Move caret to top of the file.                                      
               if (bCopyFirstLine) {                                                  
                  // Code to copy first line of file into user clipboard 8 for pasting
                  // it later into every file created on splitting the large file.    
               // Quick and dirty solution to get file name without extension         
               // and the file extension. Does not work for all file names.           
               var nLastPoint = UltraEdit.document[0].path.lastIndexOf('.');          
               if (nLastPoint < 0) nLastPoint = UltraEdit.document[0].path.length;    
               var sFileName = UltraEdit.document[0].path.substr(0,nLastPoint) + '_'; 
               var sFileExt = UltraEdit.document[0].path.substr(nLastPoint);          
               while (1) {                                                            
                  if (!UltraEdit.document[0].isSel()) break;                          
                  // Copy the selected block to user clipboard 9.                     
                  if (bCopyFirstLine) {                                               
                     // Paste the first line first into the new file.                 
                  // Paste the file copied block into the new file.                   
                  UltraEdit.saveAs(sFileName + nFileCount + sFileExt);                
                  nNextLineNum += nLinesPerFile;                                      
               // Clear the used user clipboards and reselect system clipboard.       
               if (bCopyFirstLine) {                                                  
               UltraEdit.messageBox(nFileCount + " files created.");                  

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Jul 14, 2022#6

              The script was written obviously by me, but without all the trailing spaces as in posted code. It is written for large and huge files where counting the lines must be enabled in configuration.

              I restored 32-bit UltraEdit v26.10.0.72 from my archives. Then I created beginning from a small file which just 78,122 bytes opened with creation of a temporary file a large file with 680,808, 588 bytes by coping the small file contents and pasting it again and again and again. The large file has had finally 12,033,718 lines. There was several times displayed the message Cannot allocate ... (don't remember anymore the exact message text) while creating the large file with using a temporary file. Then I exited UltraEdit.

              I started UltraEdit again, opened again the now large file named VHBC_17-19.txt, this time without the usage of a temporary file, and run the script. It created the files VHBC_17-19_1.txt to VHBC_17-19_121.txt without showing any error message during script execution. The files created by the script had a file size between 5,519 KB and 5,530 KB. The first 120 files had exactly 100,000 lines as defined in the script. So I am unable to reproduce the issue.

              It is really odd that the sizes of the created files are in your case mainly 0 KB, one has 91,985 KB, another one 92,463 and the last one 10,421 KB. The lines must be really long when 100,000 lines produce two files with about 89 MB. It would be perhaps a good idea on so long lines to reduce the value of nLinesPerFile to 20000 to reduce the memory required as one block to copy the lines via a user clipboard from the large file into all the new files.

              The only other idea I have is to insert below

              Code: Select all

                   // Paste the file copied block into the new file.
              additionally the line

              Code: Select all

              That line explicitly clears the clipboard after the paste to free memory. It should not make a difference, but who knows which other processes are running on your Dell 3650 Tower which also require memory at the same time like an anti-virus application immediately scanning the file just created by UltraEdit during the script execution.

              PS: I wanted to see the message Cannot allocate ... and therefore did again start with the same small file as before creating a large file with pasting 100,000 lines at end of the file again and again. But this time no message was displayed by UltraEdit v26.10.0.72. I have the impression that background processes had caused the messages on first creation of the large file as that was done short after starting Windows on which Windows starts usually several tasks in background. The second creation of a large file was more than 30 minutes later.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                Jul 14, 2022#7

                Thanks for trying and if it means anything I am using x64, not x32. It still runs on the old Ryzen 1950X as it always had.

                I have never timed it, as I would start it and go do something else and it was usually finished by the time I got back to it. This error occurred seconds after I started it and the files noted in the screenshot took merely a few minutes.

                I will implement your code updates and keep you in the loop for any other occurrences, provided there are new results to share. FWIW, here are some average raw data file specs ...

                Data Rows: 3,158,061
                File Size: 2,939,756 KB
                Text File, Tab Delimited, 180 Data Columns

                Column Header (some data rows are nearly as long as this column header, but the average is 1410 characters)

                Code: Select all