
Output window closed after restoring UE from system tray

Output window closed after restoring UE from system tray


    May 20, 2008#1

    Please reproduce this problem:
    - UltraEdit 14.00b.
    - Output Window already enabled
    - minimize to tray mode (maybe...)

    Run a big "Search in Files" operation (with "files listed" mode). Results to Output Window (not edit window).

    Then minimize UltraEdit *while the Search-in-files-operation is performed*.
    Maximize after 2 mins (when operation is over).

    You will realize that the Output Window (previously present by default) has DISAPPEARED now. VERY ANNOYING!
    You can then re-enable it in View-menu. When re-enabled, you can see the found search-results in output-window.

    Can somebody please reproduce/confirm??

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 21, 2008#2

      I can confirm this behavior. When UltraEdit restores from system tray the output window is automatically closed in this special situation. This does not happen when running the Find In Files and UltraEdit is minimized during the search to the Windows Taskbar.

      Please report this issue by email to IDM support.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        May 21, 2008#3

        Thanks for confirming!

        I already thought I maybe dream :->

        Now I report this bug...!