
Page down shows empty file

Page down shows empty file


    Feb 10, 2006#1

    I have a small file I am editing using UE 11.
    When I press the "Page Down" key it takes me to the end-of-file.
    However, the last line of the file becomes the first line on the screen.
    So I am looking at an empty screen with just one line.

    I would like to change that so that I can see all or part of the last page of the document.

    Is there an option in UE 11 to do that?

    I would like to see the same result as in TextPad when you press page down.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Feb 10, 2006#2

      If you want to go to end of the file simply use windows standard hotkey CTRL+END. This will set cursor at end of the file but will show as many lines as possible before the end of the file.

      CTRL+END will also work if you scrolled down with page down and see nothing or only last line. Press CTRL+END end you are still at the end of the file but now see also last xx lines of the file.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria