Passive Mode on Mac

Passive Mode on Mac


    Dec 12, 2021#1

    How to choose Passive Mode on Mac version? There is no „Server“- Button in the FTP accession menu. (For the German version which I use, see  attached image).
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-12 um 17.29.10.png (128.76KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 12, 2021#2

      I don't have a Mac and so don't use UltraEdit for Mac, but I found with a quick www search Change proxy settings in Network preferences on Mac. It looks like there is per interface the proxy setting Use passive FTP mode for file transfers which all FTP clients on Mac have to read and establish the FTP connections according to this setting.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Dec 13, 2021#3

        Thanks a lot - that works.