
Portable Settings Setup

Portable Settings Setup


    Apr 04, 2006#1

    Hello all. I use my UltraEdit (12.00) in home and office. I wish I could have the exact same settings for UE in both locations, by storing them on a portable hdd I always have with me.

    By "settings" I mean "everything" : my custom syntax highlighting settings, my designated backup locations, etc.

    I am sure it can be done, because I've seen it on some older post which I cannot locate, so if possible, please assist.

    Best Regards


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 05, 2006#2

      Best set on all machines the environment variable UEINIDIR to the directory on your portable HDD where the INI file and all other configuration files are stored. The HDD must have the same drive letter on all machines.

      See also
      Uedit32.ini in a different location than user or windows
      Basic.mfg in another directory?
      How to transfer configuration settings to a new PC

      Make sure that all additional files (Wordfile.txt, Htmltidy.cfg, Uetmplte.dat, Taglist.txt, ...) and all your macros are also on the portable HDD with the appropriate path and file specification in the INI.

      There are only 2 files which are always in the application data directory of the current user: projects.lst and nfgroups.lst. I don't know if it is also possible to have these 2 files in a different directory. But you can forget these 2 files if you do not use projects. Well, I don't really know what these 2 files are for.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Apr 06, 2006#3

        Thank you for your reply.
        I chose to use the /i=..... option for telling UltraEdit where the ini file is.
        Also I corrected all path entries inside the ini file.
        It seems to be working.