
Project File Corruption?: Files won't open via project file

Project File Corruption?: Files won't open via project file


Jan 07, 2005#1

I use the same network-based project files at work and at home through a VPN connection. On occasion, I can edit files in a project at work, close the project, open the project from home, and the files in the project will not open. If I manually open the .prj file with Notepad, the file specifications are still there, and I can use cut and paste to force UltraEdit to open them. Once I do this, close UltraEdit, and reopen UltraEdit, the project file will work correctly, at least for a day or so, and then I may have to repeat the process. :x

What gives?

Grand MasterGrand Master

Jan 10, 2005#2

The project file must be a MS-DOS formatted file (CR LF). I think, that during loading at home via VPN it is converted into UNIX format (only LF) and so it will not work. Check the .prj files after loading it. You can also open the .prj files in UltraEdit as text file. To do that, first start UltraEdit and then use normal File - Open command.

PS: Opening an UltraEdit *.prj file via File - Open for editing might not be possible on Windows 8 / 7 / Vista depending on version of UE/UES. Open the project, open File Tree View (UE) or Workspace Manager (UES), select the tab Project, right click on bold project name at top and left click in context menu on Edit Project File.


Jan 12, 2005#3

Hmmmm... That sounds plausible. How can I convert the Unix format back to MSDOS format? Can saving the .prj file with UltraEdit do that?

Grand MasterGrand Master

Jan 12, 2005#4

Sure, you can open the prj-file with UltraEdit, convert it to DOS and save it and then re-open it as project file. But it would be better if you adjust the settings for the VPN connection, so all files are loaded binary without any conversion from CR LF to LF from the server. I guess, you have active a "feature" like auto-text file detection and conversation.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria