Grand MasterGrand Master

    Jun 09, 2012#16

    Well, there are in real 11 scenarios for opening 1 or more files in UltraEdit via ueFastStart as I have found out yet after reading all posts in this topic again including the one posted by rhapdog about effect of an opened project/workspace on window title:
    1. UltraEdit is not running.
    2. UE prior v14.00 is running with no file opened in UE, and also no project/workspace loaded.

      A window exists with title "UltraEdit-32".
    3. UE prior v14.00 is running with no file opened in UE, but a project/workspace is loaded.

      A window exists starting with "UltraEdit-32 -" in title.

      The entire window title is "UltraEdit-32 - project name"
    4. UE prior v14.00 is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, but no project/workspace loaded.

      A window exists starting with "UltraEdit-32 -" in title.

      The entire window title is "UltraEdit-32 - [file name with or without path]"
    5. UE prior v14.00 is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, and a project/workspace is also loaded.

      A window exists starting with "UltraEdit-32 -" in title.

      The entire window title is "UltraEdit-32 - project name - [file name with or without path]"
    6. UE v14.00 or later is running with no file opened in UE, and also no project/workspace loaded.

      A window exists with title "UltraEdit".
    7. UE v14.00 or later is running with no file opened in UE, but a project/workspace is loaded.

      A window exists ending with "- UltraEdit" in title.

      The entire window title is "project name - UltraEdit"

      Interesting here is that configuration setting Start application title with file name has in this case no effect on window title. The application name is always at end of the window title after the project name.
    8. UE v14.00 or later is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, but no project/workspace loaded, and configuration setting Start application title with file name is not enabled, or the setting does not exist at all.

      A window exists starting with "UltraEdit -" in title.

      The entire window title is "UltraEdit - [file name with or without path]"
    9. UE v17.00 or later is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, but no project/workspace loaded, and configuration setting Start application title with file name is enabled.

      A window exists ending with "- UltraEdit" in title.

      The entire window title is "[file name with or without path] - UltraEdit"
    10. UE v17.00 or later is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, and a project/workspace is also loaded, and configuration setting Start application title with file name is enabled too.

      A window exists ending with "- UltraEdit" in title.

      The entire window title is "[file name with or without path] - project name - UltraEdit"
    11. UE v14.00 or later is running with at least 1 file opened in UE, and a project/workspace is also loaded, and configuration setting Start application title with file name is not enabled, or the setting does not exist at all.

      A window exists containing in the middle of the title "- UltraEdit -".

      The entire window title is "project name - UltraEdit - [file name with or without path]"
    The default program files directory name for UE < v14.00 was also UltraEdit-32.

    ueFastStart released on 2012-06-08 works for all scenarios except the last one.

    Taking all 11 cases into account and avoiding false positive window detections (window of Windows Explorer or browser window containing also UltraEdit in title) as much as possible, I think the best would be that ueFastStart does following on every window title:
    1. Does the title of a window contain anywhere inside the case sensitive string "UltraEdit"?
      No, this window is definitely not an UltraEdit window and ueFastStart can continue with title of next window.
    2. Has the window title a length of exactly 9 characters?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 6.
    3. Does the window title start with case sensitive string "UltraEdit - "?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 8.
    4. Does the window title end with case sensitive string " - UltraEdit"?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 7, 9 and 10.
    5. Does the window title contain case sensitive string " - UltraEdit - "?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 11.
    6. Is the complete window title equal case sensitive string "UltraEdit-32"?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 2.
    7. Does the window title start with case sensitive string "UltraEdit-32 - "?
      Yes, the window is an UltraEdit window - scenario 3, 4 and 5.
    Note: The leading or trailing space(s) in the double quoted strings in the list above are not mistakes. It would be good to include them on string comparison to avoid false positive window detections as much as possible. Well, for the fourth test the string could be even "UltraEdit - [" and for the fifth test the string could be even " - UltraEdit - [" to exclude even more non UltraEdit window titles.

    I think, you have combined test six and seven by comparing start of window title with just "UltraEdit-32". This is also okay and makes the tool a little bit faster. I think, in 99.999999% of all window titles it is okay to compare start of window title for compatibility with UE < v14.00 with just "UltraEdit-32" as IDM most likely has no webpage anymore with a title beginning with "UltraEdit-32".

    Basic UserBasic User

      Jun 10, 2012#17

      I've added 5, changed 6-7 (the rest I had already) and attached the new version to the first post.

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Jun 10, 2012#18


        ueFastStart.exe works now perfect in all 11 scenarios and ignories the browser window starting with UltraEdit hotfix information in title.

        Once more, many thanks for this great tool and all the added enhancements. Opening 1 or more files in UltraEdit from Total Commander is now easy and ultrafast.

        Power UserPower User

          Mar 11, 2013#19

          Moving my system to the current state-of-art I come back to this thread and would like to know if this tool found a more prominent space for downloading? Is it linked / integrated somewhere on an "UE Tool page" or something else?


          Basic UserBasic User

            Mar 11, 2013#20

            I myself haven't uploaded it anywhere else but here, and I think it is available only from this thread.

            Power UserPower User

              Jul 07, 2016#21


              refreshing up this thread ...

              I migrated my current installation of Total Commander (32) and UEFastStart to a new PC with Windows 10 and UltraEdit version 23 x64 - and it seems not to work.

              Should it run / could it be activated on the current software?


              UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Jul 11, 2016#22

                ueFastStart.exe as last updated by aleksazr on 2012-06-10 does not work for 64-bit version of UltraEdit. There are two reasons:
                • Name of registry key is different

                  32-bit version of UltraEdit is installed with adding to registry SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Uedit32.exe because the executable has the file name uedit32.exe.

                  But 64-bit version of UltraEdit is installed with adding to registry SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Uedit64.exe because the executable has the file name uedit64.exe.

                  Therefore ueFastStart.exe can't determine program files folder of UltraEdit executable for starting UltraEdit if it could not find any window of an UltraEdit instance.

                  It would be possible to replace 32 by 64 in this registry string in ueFastStart.exe with UltraEdit in hex editing mode or duplicate the registry key Uedit64.exe with name Uedit32.exe in Windows registry, but there is still the second problem.
                • Application name in window title is different

                  The application name of 32-bit version of UltraEdit is just UltraEdit in window title as I documented in a post above with list items 6. to 11.

                  But the application name of 64-bit version of UltraEdit is UltraEdit 64-bit in window title in the 6 use cases.

                  Those 7 additional characters (" 64-bit") can't be added in hex edit mode in compiled ueFastStart.exe as this would corrupt the executable.
                I don't know if the application name is for German, Spanish, ... version of 64-bit UltraEdit also UltraEdit 64-bit.

                And as I'm still using on Windows 7 x64 the 32-bit versions of UltraEdit and UEStudio, I don't know registry key name and application name in window title of 64-bit UEStudio. (I have just temporarily installed 64-bit UE for finding out these facts.) It would be helpful for aleksazr if somebody posts here the registry key name and application name in window title for 64-bit UEStudio.

                However, aleksazr would need to enhance ueFastStart.exe with adding the application name strings and registry key name for 64-bit version of UltraEdit or alternatively offer an ue64FastStart.exe which supports only 64-bit UltraEdit.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Power UserPower User

                  Jul 12, 2016#23



                  I would like to ask if you want to update your tool to current systems - Win 10, x64, UE 23, ....

                  Would be great


                  UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

                  Basic UserBasic User

                    Jul 15, 2016#24

                    The executable file path and registry path for UEStudio 64-bit is C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio\UEStudio.exe. The window title is UEStudio '16 64-bit.

                    Read more posts (-6 remaining)