Quick Project files access

Quick Project files access


    Jun 04, 2008#1

    I'm not so comfortable using the project manager as most of my files are on remote servers. I routinely backup files prior to working on them and open them directly from the server with UE and the ftp feature.

    Currently I'm using this method in order to quickly open a series of files that exist on a server.

    When I'm developing an online project, I will create a text file with quoted file names.
    eg. the file might contain "/Data/somefile.dat" "/web/somedir/somefile.cgi" "/web/java/somejavafile.js" "/templates/sometemplatefile.html"

    When I want to work on that project, I simply open that one file, copy the line into the clipboard. Open the ftp dialog for that server and paste the line into the file name field of the open ftp file dialog.

    Then all my files are open in one swoop.

    Is there something I'm missing in the projects function of UE that works easier than that?




      Jun 04, 2008#2

      Projects work fine with ftp.
      So best, do this:
      1. Create a project. (do this really FIRST) Menu: "Project, "new project/workspace"
      2. Open your (ftp)-file(s), however you like, maybe also with your method.
      3. choose menu: "Project, Project settings, "+ all open files"

      THATS IT. Project-file is saved with all your files.

      Next time you start UE you can load the project and so automatically all your files are loaded.

      There is also a way to put all open files to a project AFTERWARDS. But you need to change a value in the uedit.ini before doing that.

      rds Bego
      Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit


        Jun 05, 2008#3


        Ok, got that. Successfully created a project and added files to it. Closed all files, exited UE and restarted it. Opened the project... how to get the files back? I did open them with Projects > Project Settings > [select all files in the project] > Open.

        Is that the correct approach.

        Again. TIA.


          Jun 05, 2008#4

          Hi Paul.

          Your approach is wrong. I think you think too complicated ;-)

          Chose "Project, Open Project" and specify the project file.
          Then all your files should be loaded.

          rds Bego
          Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit


            Jun 06, 2008#5

            When I open the project, the files do not automatically open (perhaps because they are ftp files?)

            But as I mentioned, I can open them by Projects > Settings > [highlight all files] > Open, then they open ok.



              Jun 06, 2008#6

              If you open ONE NORMAL file, no project or so, leave the file "open".
              then quit UE and restart UE. Is this file then loaded ?
              Normally using all newest english version incl. each hotfix. Win 10 64 bit


                Jun 06, 2008#7

                Bego wrote:If you open ONE NORMAL file, no project or so, leave the file "open".
                then quit UE and restart UE. Is this file then loaded ?
                I opened UE, opened a local (non-ftp) file, closed UE without closing the file. Restarted UE and the file auto opened.

                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Jun 08, 2008#8

                  Enable the setting Reload FTP files when reloading a project or last open files at Advanced - Configuration - File Handling - Load. It looks like she setting above this FTP specific setting is already enabled.
                  Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                    Jun 09, 2008#9

                    Mofi wrote:Enable the setting Reload FTP files when reloading a project or last open files at Advanced - Configuration - File Handling - Load. It looks like she setting above this FTP specific setting is already enabled.
                    Mofi, you were correct, the Reload FTP files when reloading a project or last open files was not checked, it is now.
                    And the Reload files previously open on startup was checked.

                    I closed all files, exited UE. Restarted UE, Projects > Open Project/Workspace > [selected the project .prg file] > Open ... Files do not open.

                    Projects > Project Settings > [select all files] > open still works.

                    Really appreciate the responses here. Thanks


                    Grand MasterGrand Master

                      Jun 09, 2008#10

                      Don't close all files before you exit UltraEdit. If you do that UltraEdit will store in the project file of the active project or in uedit32.ini if no project is currently active, that no file is open. Therefore UltraEdit will not open on startup any file automatically because no file was open on previous exit or project/workspace close. I give you an example for better understanding.

                      You have a project with following 5 project files:


                      The project with these 5 files is currently opened. But only file1.html, subdir2/file_y.html and file.css are opened in UltraEdit. The other 2 files are part of the project, but currently not opened.

                      No you exit UltraEdit. This triggers internally in UE a procedure to save the current project state. So UltraEdit saves in the project file that file1.html is open and the cursor is at line x column y in this file. Same information is stored in the project file for subdir2/file_y.html and file.css. Additionally UltraEdit saves in the project file which of the 3 files has currently the focus. Then it closes the 3 files. Next in uedit32.ini is saved that the project with name "???" using project file "..." is currently open and then the project is closed. Also existing FTP connections are automatically disconnected.

                      So when you next time start UltraEdit, it reads from uedit32.ini that project file "..." was open on previous exit. So it automatically opens the project again. Inside the project file is stored that file file1.html, subdir2/file_yhtml and file.css was open on previous project exit/close. So it re-opens that 3 files again, positions the cursors in the 3 files as stored on exit and sets the focus to the file which has had it on last exit.

                      In other words you can continue working exactly where you have stopped. Your workspace is restored like if you would have never closed UltraEdit.

                      If you close the files always manually before you close a project/workspace or before you exit UltraEdit, then UltraEdit just stores on exit, that nothing was open on exit and therefore nothing must be reloaded on next start. You always save an empty workspace on exit and so you get an empty workspace on next start.

                      By the way: UltraEdit saves the state of all open files in the project independent if every open file also belongs to the project or not. And that is also the difference between project and workspace. A workspace contains the data which files are open, where is the cursor in every file, which bookmarks are set on which line in every open file, what is folded, which file has the focus, ... A project contains the data which files belong to a project, independent if they are currently open or not or even if they exist, how the files are grouped, which filters should be used, ... Since UE v14 there is not anymore 1 file for project and workspace data. There is now 1 file containing the project data and 1 file containing the workspace data. That makes it possible that a group of users work at the same time on the same project with hundreds of files, but every member of the group has it's own workspace. If one user makes a change on the project, for example by adding a new file to the project, all other group members can immediately use it without having to fear that their workspaces get lost or changed in any way. Well, for projects with only 1 or 2 project members this separated handling of project and workspace data is not really necessary and maybe even unwanted.
                      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                        Jun 19, 2008#11

                        Thanks for the indepth review Mofi.

                        It would seem to indicate that a nice feature would be an 'Open all Files' button in the project dialog or in the Project drop down menu.

                        Thanks again.
