Quick tips are displayed only a very short time on using UES v17.xx with dockable file tabs

Quick tips are displayed only a very short time on using UES v17.xx with dockable file tabs

Basic UserBasic User

    Nov 04, 2017#1

    I don't know what developers did to quick tips regarding to Quick tips are not showing (properly) in UTF-8 files on using UES v17.00, but they surely didn't fix anything and actually really ruined it in last few updates. Now the quick tips show for a split a second and disappear. Pressing Enter/Tab would insert text from quick tip.
    The only difference now is this happens regardless of file encoding.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 05, 2017#2

      V@no, would you please describe in detail what is your problem with quick tips feature of UEStudio v17.20.0.15. Otherwise your post is of no help for any other UEStudio user nor can we reproduce the issue you have obviously with quick tips feature of UEStudio. How long a quick tip is shown is customizable in settings/configuration. What do you have configured? Please don't mix up auto-completion feature (UE and UES) or auto-suggest smart template feature (UE and UES) or function tips feature (only UES) with quick tips of UEStudio.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Nov 05, 2017#3

        My settings are exactly the same as in referenced topic, nothing changed on my end. However after UES updates (there were several updates after this topic started), the quick tips are no longer staying on screen. They literally show for a split a second and gone, see this video on YouTube.

        But UES acts like they are still shown, as you can see in the video, auto-complete still works unless quick tips timed out.

        There is an inconsistency with this issue, in a new file it works fine, in several other files I've tested it worked fine too (so far every .js file I've tested on have this issue). I'm unable detect what makes it stop working up to now.

        Attached is the file I used in the video.
        common.zip (273 Bytes)   40

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Nov 07, 2017#4

          I watched the video, downloaded your ZIP file and extracted common.js, opened this file in UEStudio v17.20.0.25 configured as default after a new installation and entered the beginning of the words const, classes, etc. as I could see in the video. Everything worked fine. The quick tips were displayed correct and the configured time of 3500 ms. Inserting the suggested word with TAB or RETURN worked too.

          My suggestion: Open in your file manager (Windows Explorer) %APPDATA%\IDMComp while UEStudio is not running and rename the directory UEStudio for example to UEStudio_Backup. Then start UEStudio which recreates this directory and sets everything to default like on first start. Open the *.js file and start typing the words.

          Is quick tips working now with default settings including default javascript.uew wordfile as installed with UEStudio?

          Exit UEStudio, rename newly created directory UEStudio for example to UEStudio_Default and rename UEStudio_Backup back to UEStudio to restore your configuration.

          The further steps depend on the result of the quick tips testing with default configuration.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

          Basic UserBasic User

            Nov 24, 2017#5

            Found what's causing this issue:
            Activate Windows -> Enable tiling

            After enabling this option and UES restart it stops showing QuickTips properly (and what a difference it makes when opening many files on startup...at least 10 times slower with that option!).

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Nov 27, 2017#6

              Here are the starting times of
              • UEStudio v17.20.0.15 with default settings,
              • but with using toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus,
              • and opening a project with 34 *.cpp and *.h files
              • which are additionally opened all on startup,
              • on a Dell E6500 with Intel Core Duo T9600 2.80 GHz with 4 GB RAM and a Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1 TB hard disk
              • using Windows 7 SP1 with Windows Classic desktop theme additionally customized to avoid any color fading and shading effects (active/inactive window title bar have only one color) and visual effects configured for best performance,
              • and no anti-virus application or other application running in background which could result in a longer startup time.
              Not dockable file tabs:
              • 1st startup time: 4.9009807 s
              • 2nd startup time: 5.4801985 s
              • 3rd startup time: 4.0505038 s
              Average startup time: 4.8105610 s

              Dockable file tabs:
              • 1st startup time: 6.3292320 s
              • 2nd startup time: 6.5398676 s
              • 3rd startup time: 7.2077388 s
              Average startup time: 6.6922795 s

              So average startup time with not dockable file tabs is 71.88 % of average startup time with dockable file tabs respectively average startup time with dockable file tabs is 139.12 % of average startup time with not dockable file tabs.

              The startup times are measured with Process Monitor with a filter to display only uestudio.exe file system activities. The total startup time is simply the time of last log entry minus time of first log entry after switching from UEStudio to Process Monitor after UEStudio start. Please note that I wanted with those measurements not find out how long UEStudio really needs to start and therefore if the last log entries are really from UEStudio start and not a cause of switching from UEStudio to Process Monitor. I just wanted to know if using not dockable tabs (default) is really faster than using dockable tabs like when having Enable tiling/dockable tabs activated. I have not looked on what was recorded by Process Monitor. I have just subtracted time of first line from time of last line.

              Conclusion: Using dockable file tabs makes starting UEStudio with lots of files to open on startup slower, but definitely not 10 times slower.

              I could not reproduce any issue with quick tips display on using dockable file tabs with the opened *.cpp and *.h files being ANSI encoded. Perhaps there is one more setting responsible for quick tips not working as expected. I suppose a setting which cause a window refresh on your computer with your configuration not occurring on my computer with my configuration according to what I could see on your video.

              I suggest to compress into a ZIP or RAR file the entire UEStudio application data folder and the project folder with the *.prj and *.pui file and all the project files. Next send an issue report email to IDM support with that ZIP/RAR file attached to IDM support and explain step by step how to reproduce the issue with quick tips on using your configuration and your project. Please add also all hardware details and the Windows desktop configuration as done by me here because that could be also a possible source for the different behavior.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

              Basic UserBasic User

                Nov 27, 2017#7

                Fresh Windows 10 x64 install, fresh UEStudio v17.20.0.15 x64 (testing on virtual PC).
                1. Start UES.
                2. Enable Window -> Enable tiling.
                3. Close UES.
                4. Start UES.
                5. Start a new file and change syntax highlighting to JavaScript (can be any highlighting I think).
                6. Type word "test" hit enter and start typing word "test" again on a new line. Quick tips show for a split of a second and hide.
                The tiling makes it twice slower to start with 180+ files (different types) 10 sec vs 21 sec. However the process of switching between tiling and back, is about ten times difference before UES is ready to use.

                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Nov 27, 2017#8

                  Please report the issues to IDM support by email. I do not further investigate these issues as I don't have these problems on using UEStudio.

                  In my point of view it is ridiculous to have 180+ files opened in UES. I have never more than 10 files opened at the same time also for projects with several thousands of files. The document framework written by Microsoft needs a lot of RAM and has to process a lot of events on having so much files opened at the same time. The MDI (multi-document interface) is not designed by Microsoft for so many document windows opened at the same time.
                  Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                  Basic UserBasic User

                    Nov 28, 2017#9

                    That's cool, man, I appreciate your help, you go above and beyond helping on this forum.

                      Dec 05, 2017#10

                      Here is a video on YouTube showing it.

                      P.S. I received an email from support team. They were able reproduce this, hopefully it will be fixed soon.