
Re-opens files that were not open when the app was last closed

Re-opens files that were not open when the app was last closed

Basic UserBasic User

    May 13, 2021#1

    Regarding this: UltraEdit v27.00 re-opens files that were not open when the app was last closed

    This is happening to me with version (and was happening for the past few versions).

    This happens when more than one UE window is open, and both seem to want to update the file 'ue.vod'.

    I made copies of this file whenever it was updated. It gets updated anywhere from one to five minutes have elapsed, and will continue to be updated every five minutes.

    There will come a time when switching between instances, that the following will get changed:

    Code: Select all

    [Open Address Bar] :: the list of items
    [Find/Replace] :: the current item in the search field
    [Open Files]
    Active File Display Mode="3"
    --  versus  --
    [Open Files]
    Active File Display Mode="2"
    Active File Index="2"
    Open File Line0="1592"
    Open File Line1="22748"
    Open File Line2="83845"
    Open File Line3="3525"
    Open File Line4="1130"
    Open File Pos0="1645"
    Open File Pos1="23755"
    Open File Pos2="85437"
    Open File Pos3="5514"
    Open File Pos4="1329"
    Open File Window Pos0="0,2,640,1683,-1,-1,7,1,1341,1024"
    Open File Window Pos1="0,2,320,1683,-1,-1,0,2,1340,1024"
    Open File Window Pos2="0,2,160,1683,-1,-1,6,7,1444,1040"
    Open File Window Pos3="0,2,480,1683,-1,-1,7,1,1759,1040"
    Open File Window Pos4="0,2,0,1683,-1,-1,1423,88,2200,1042"
    Open File0=""
    Open File1="\\BROWNBUNNY\inetpub\CubeCart6.4.2\classes\tax.class.php"
    Open File2="\\BROWNBUNNY\inetpub\CubeCart6.4.2\classes\catalogue.class.php"
    Open File3="\\BROWNBUNNY\inetpub\CubeCart6.4.2\classes\ajax.class.php"
    Open File4="\\BROWNBUNNY\inetpub\CubeCart6.4.2\Inhibit Product from Global Sale Mode.txt"
    [Recent File List] :: the list of items
    [Recently Closed Files] :: the list of items
    [Settings] :: Last Active Document and Last File
    Of particular interest, I cannot locate where UE is getting the [Open Files] list. There is no "HKCU\SOFTWARE\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\Open Files" registry key.

    I haven't developed a 100% step-by-step sequence to show this, but I will conclude that it is because of multi-instance contention, and some kind of bug that gets a list of open files from somewhere and populates the 'ue.vod' file with it.

    Edit two days later:

    Just some additional info:

    When I changed the Open Files section to just that one line, then started UE, that section got rewritten to have:

    Code: Select all

    [Open Files]
    Active File Display Mode="3"
    Active File Index="-1"
    Remember Files="0"
    The last two lines never appeared before.

    Edit two more days later:


    Code: Select all

    Remember Files="0"
    will eventually disappear.