
    Jul 09, 2017#16

    If the "parenthesis" regexes work for you and also same rules are valid for those hex codes then it should be not difficult to rewrite them to a "hexa" variants.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Jul 11, 2017#17

      Hi Fleggy,

      The final solutions that you posted are crashing my UEStudio for some reason when I use it in a macro. So I was using your earlier replace combinations given below

      Code: Select all

      1) Repeat until nothing is replaced.
      Find what: (?s)(?<=<(italic)>)(\(((?>(?:(?:(?![()])(?!</?(?!WRK)\b).)++(?:<((?!WRK)[^>]++)>(((?>(?:(?!<\4\b)(?!</\4\b).)++|<\4\b[^>]*+>(?5))*+)</\4>))?)|(?2))*+)\))(?=</\1>)
      Replace with: ~~\3~~
      2) Repeat until nothing is replaced.
      Find what: (?s)\(((?>(?:(?:(?![()])(?!</?(?!WRK)\b).)++(?:<((?!WRK)[^>]++)>(((?>(?:(?!<\2\b)(?!</\2\b).)++|<\2\b[^>]*+>(?3))*+)</\2>))?)|(?R))*+)\)
      Replace with: ^[^\1^]^
      3) Final replacements:
      F: (<italic>)(?:\(|~~)
      R: (\1
      F: (?:\)|~~)(</italic>)
      R: \1)
      F: \^\[\^
      R: (
      F: \^\]\^
      R: )
      And it seems to work fine as of now. Can you tell me why you wanted to update these replace sequences?
      Is there a chance that using it might replace something wrong and modify/delete any text?
      I'm a bit hesitant using it. :?
      Thanks in advance. :)


        Jul 11, 2017#18

        Hi Don,

        it is almost sure that UES crashes because of named backreferences in the replace patterns. I've already sent an error report to IDM. You can try this simple workaround: use the more complex find patterns and change the first and second replace pattern to

        The reason why I updated these regexes is simple. The updated versions are not influenced by unbalanced parenthesis in nested tags potentially found between <italic> and </italic>.

        <italic>(changes <xref ...">(6))</xref> from VB 6)</italic>

        BR, Fleggy

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