Restore lost UEStudio menus

Restore lost UEStudio menus


    Dec 02, 2013#1

    All my UEStudio v14 menus (Win8 64bit) disappeared and I found no solution on the web and FAQ section, so thought I would share my fix with others in the same predicament.

    1. Re-running the install to fix the missing menu issue did not fix it
    2. Uninstalling and reinstalling UEStudio did not restore the menus.

    My Solution
    1. Exited UEStudio, the unhappy looking one that had no menus and no toolbars.
    2. Navigated to %AppData%\IDMComp\UEStudio
    3. Renamed uestudio.ini to xxxuestudio.ini
    4. Renamed UEStudio.in0 to xxxUEStudio.in0
    5. Restarted UEStudio and was then happy again.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 02, 2013#2

      I want to extend the post by frankueuser with some additional information.

      Running a repair of an installation of an application or uninstalling an application and re-installing it does never fix problems which are caused by a bad user customization or user configuration. Every installer just repairs/uninstalls/installs/updates the program files of an application usually located in %ProgramFiles%\CompanyName\ApplicationName or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\CompanyName\ApplicationName (for 32-bit applications on Windows x64), but does not change something on the data files of the application usually stored in %APPDATA%\CompanyName\ApplicationName or the registry keys at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CompanyName\ApplicationName containing the settings of the user for this application. That is a general fact not only true for UEStudio, UltraEdit, UltraCompare, ...

      The first method for getting something back in UES or UE is to look in menu View on submenu Views/Lists.

      Of course that is of no help if even the main menu is not displayed within visible screen area. In this case it is necessary to delete the workspace file containing the information about visible toolbars, additional windows like all the views, their sizes, positions and current display states, ... The workspace file is
      • for UltraEdit: uedit32.in0 in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit
      • for UEStudio: uestudio.in0 in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio
      uedit32.ini respectively uestudio.ini contains the user's configuration for UltraEdit / UEStudio and does not need to be renamed or deleted to restore the user's workspace. The INI file contains the data as configured at Advanced - Configuration while the IN0 file contains the workspace data.

      There could be multiple IN[0-9]+ files if the configuration setting Store windows/menu/toolbars placements and configurations for multiple instances of application at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - Advanced is enabled in which case the number at end is the instance number starting with 0 for the first instance.

      Please note that %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit and %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio are just the default locations. It is possible to use different locations for the INI file in which case most other files containing user configurations are also in the directory of the INI file instead of the user account related default application data directory. And it is possible to use the registry for settings instead of storing them in the INI file which results in many workspace settings stored also in the Windows registry.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria