I have been given a file that is an output of a Windows tree command - tree /a /f. Below is just a sample of what the output looks like. So, my question is:
Has anyone written a script or macro to recreate the directory structure and files from this output?
I am not that adapt with UE so I hate to reinvent the wheel if someone has already done this. I was just going to use the (mkdir) command to create the directory and all subdirectories, and then the command "fsutil file createnew whateverfilename.txt 0" to create an empty file with 0 bytes.
Where you see the +--- that denotes it is a directory in the root of wherever you did the tree command, and the | | denotes the files under that directory. Then where you see | +--- that shows it is a subdirectory underneath the directory above it, and so on and so forth.
So has anyone something already written that I could use?
Has anyone written a script or macro to recreate the directory structure and files from this output?
I am not that adapt with UE so I hate to reinvent the wheel if someone has already done this. I was just going to use the (mkdir) command to create the directory and all subdirectories, and then the command "fsutil file createnew whateverfilename.txt 0" to create an empty file with 0 bytes.
Where you see the +--- that denotes it is a directory in the root of wherever you did the tree command, and the | | denotes the files under that directory. Then where you see | +--- that shows it is a subdirectory underneath the directory above it, and so on and so forth.
So has anyone something already written that I could use?
Code: Select all
| | MConn_v3_0_1_UserGuide.pdf
| | mirthconnect.zip
| | Unofficial Mirth Connect Developer's Guide.pdf
| |
| +---BackUps
| | 2014-06-11 Mirth Backup.xml
| | attachment.xml
| | PrimeSUITE to CaptureRx.xml
| | Sample Channel.xml
| | Sender Channel.xml
| | SOMC - 2014-06-12 Mirth Backup.xml
| | v2 - v3 Transformation Channel.xml
| |
| +---Eligibility.6931.ACK-NACK
| | +---Channels
| | | Code Templates.xml
| | | Global Script.xml
| | | HL7v2 Ack Channel.xml
| | | HL7v3 Ack Channel.xml
| | | HL7v3 Verification Channel.xml
| | | Logging Channel.xml
| | | Sender Channel.xml
| | | v2-v3 Tranformation Channel.xml
| | |
| | +---custom-lib
| | | | jsr305-2.0.1.jar
| | | | phloc-commons-4.0.7.jar
| | | | phloc-schematron-2.6.2.jar
| | | | postgresql-9.2-1003.jdbc4.jar
| | | | saxon9-dom.jar
| | | | slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar
| | | |
| | | +---coreschemas
| | | | datatypes-rX-cs.xsd
| | | | infrastructureRoot-r2.xsd
| | | | iso-21090_hl7-r2_datatypes.xsd
| | | | NarrativeBlock.xsd
| | | | voc-r2.xsd
| | | |
| | | +---schema
| | | | COCT_MT030203UV07.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT040203UV09.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT070000UV01.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT090100UV01.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT090108UV.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT090300UV01.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT090303UV01.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT150000UV02.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT150003UV03.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT150007UV.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT710000UV07.xsd
| | | | COCT_MT960000UV05.xsd
| | | | MCAI_MT900001UV01.xsd
| | | | MCCI_MT000100UV01.xsd
| | | | MCCI_MT000300UV01.xsd
| | | | QUCR_IN200101UV01.xsd
| | | | QUCR_IN210101UV01.xsd
| | | | QUCR_MT200101UV01.xsd
| | | | QUCR_MT210101UV01.xsd
| | | | QUQI_MT020001UV01.xsd
| | | | QUQI_MT120001UV01.xsd
| | | |
| | | \---schematron
| | | QUCR_IN200101UV01.sch
| | |
| | +---DB
| | | PostgreSQL-Eligibility DB.sql
| | | QBP_Log.accdb
| | |
| | +---HL7v2