
Ruby and ruby on rails

Ruby and ruby on rails


    Jul 30, 2005#1


    Anybody know how to add support for ruby and ruby on rails to the studio? I have added the word file, but beyond that I have no idea how to configure the rest of the studio to have a working project. So, how do I setup my project to do the following:

    1. Start a web server when I run the project
    2. Then start a browser and go to the correct url

    In addition, is there a way to make the class viewer work with ruby classes?

    I would really appreciate the help. It looks like UEStudio has a lot of potential and would be THE ide to use for ruby on rails and could easily rival textmate on OSX.


      Jul 31, 2005#2

      How does UEstudio know which files to parse the functions in? And of course how does it know whats a function and whats a property etc.?

      It does correctly parse my php files for methods and properties even though I have not indicated a word file for php (no syntax highlighting, but class parsing still works)




        Sep 29, 2005#3

        I second raf1hh's questions, just downloaded the trial to see if it's worth the effort... would be nice with "native" support for Ruby(onRails) in uestudio, would be even more so with the ability to setup RoR projects with templates.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Oct 03, 2005#4

          Ruby on Rails info

          Interesting... I too would be intrigued

          Liking Ruby
          Liking Ruby

            Nov 23, 2005#5

            I would also be interested in any info about up coming Ruby support.