
Running PeopleSoft SQR

Running PeopleSoft SQR


    Feb 10, 2005#1

    Has anyone been able to run a PeopleSoft SQR from the Tool Configurations menu? I've tried several different ways to enter the command line and none seem to work. Was working in 8.20, tried it in 10.20c and the new v11.0 but can't seem to get anything to work. It looks like it ignores everything after the database signon.

    f:\ps\binw\sqrw.exe "%f" sysadm/password@database -ic:\ps\sqc\;f:\ps\sqr\ -mf:\ps\sqr\allmaxes.max -ZIFf:\ps\sqr\pssqr.ini -oC:\Temp\sqr.log -ziv -fc:\Temp\

      Feb 10, 2005#2

      Found the fix. Command line is okay, Working directory needs %P and the SQR runs fine.
      Hope this helps others.


        SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

        Oct 18, 2007#3

        I'm very new to PeopleSoft and I'm trying to set up UltraEdit to run SQRs directly from UltraEdit. I've set it up in Tools Configuration and ran a test sqr that did nothing but print some stuff to the screen. That worked fine so it seems it's calling sqrw.exe fine. The problem occurrs when I try to connect to the database. I keep getting a "Connect Failed" error. The user name and password are correct (they work fine via Query Analyzer). I've tried referencing the database different ways in the UE config file (databasename, servername.databasename, etc.) but it still gives me the same error. I'm using PeopleSoft 8.2 with MS SQL Server as the database. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



          Re: SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

          Oct 18, 2007#4

          I think you need to show us how your command line looks like (remember to suppress the password). Also what other options are you setting in the tool configuration ?

          Using google I found an external article that might help: SQR Development with UltraEdit.


            Re: SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

            Oct 18, 2007#5


            I've looked at both of those links and I'm still having the problem. I actually referenced the article at erpassociates.com when I first set it up. Here is the command line I'm using:
            l:\HRDEV\bin\sqr\MSS\BINW\sqrw.exe "%f" username/pwd@db -il:\hrdev\sqr\ -fC:\TEMP\ -ZIFl:\hrdev\sqr\pssqr.ini

            If I manually launch sqrw.exe and input these same parameters via the gui it works fine. The only difference I can see is that I select the database from a drop-down list. I think my problem is that I need to figure out what is populating that drop-down and see how the databases are being referenced.


              Re: SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

              Oct 18, 2007#6

              Question: You write that it works fine in the Query Analyzer and not as a UE tool: Have you tried to execute the command directly from a command prompt ?

              This way you can see if it is a UE related issue or a "command line" issue ?

              (Btw. several articles suggested that PSSQL.INI should also be in the windows folder as SQL.INI - is this true in your case )


                Re: SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

                Oct 18, 2007#7

                The command line gives the same error when executed via a command prompt. The sqrw.exe file resides on a network share but I was unable to find either the sql.ini or pssql.ini files on my local hardrive or anywhere on the network share where sqrw.exe is located. Maybe I need to talk to our dba and see if he has any ideas.


                  Re: SQR Configuration using sqrw.exe

                  Oct 18, 2007#8

                  Sorry. I should have written PSSQR.INI and SQR.INI. (I'm not able to test anything myself as I'm not familiar with PeopleSoft and SQR stuff).


                    Oct 18, 2007#9

                    Ok, so here was my problem: When you're using SQL Server as the database the database parameter has to be passed in with a format of database/username/password instead of username/password@database. It seems to be working now. Thanks.


                      Feb 20, 2008#10

                      Does anyone know the syntax for prompting for password within the command line for SQL Server? I know within the userid/pw@db section portion for Oracle the syntax is ?%p%n username/@database. This will force you to put in a password instead of threading it through. SQL Server syntax normal login is db/userid/pw. Logically for SQL server I tried the same approach but it's not working: db/userid/?%p%n. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.