
Save FTP loaded file in editor before changing

Save FTP loaded file in editor before changing


    Sep 14, 2016#1

    I'm using UEStudio to edit files via FTP folders. I open the site in the workspace, edit, and it saves the file on my computer and uploads to the server. I need to save the file I opened via the workspace before I edit it because I also have the backup site open in a file compare between my local and the FTP version. I need to save it before I make changes so that I make sure I am not overwriting a change someone else might have made. Once I make a change to the FTP file, it saves it OK, but I need to save it before I start editing and the only way I can save it now is to make a small change to the file so that UEStudio gives me the open of saving it.
    I hope I 'm being clear. I just need to save the file from the FTP server from within the editor before I start editing it.

    Power UserPower User

      Sep 14, 2016#2

      Since UltraEdit/UEStudio knows you haven't edited the file yet, the software assumes that no save is necessary. But since you do want to save it the way to get around not having the Save menu option active is the Save As option - or in your case, the Save As To FTP option. Simply don't change the supplied filename and UE/UES will save over the existing file.

      Since it sounds like you do this often I recommend placing the Save As To FTP icon on your main taskbar so you can bring it up with a single click and then perform the save with another click.