Script for removal of leading spaces/tabs and empty lines in HTML files except inside the elements PRE, CODE, KBD

Script for removal of leading spaces/tabs and empty lines in HTML files except inside the elements PRE, CODE, KBD


    Apr 09, 2021#1

    Hello, I often process HTML files with a script using find+replace. There is a need to remove emptiness, replacing \n\s* by \n, but don't do that inside tags <pre>, <code>, <kbd>. There is an effective script on pure Perl:

    Code: Select all

     $a++ for /<(?:pre|code)>/g; 
     $a-- for /<\/(?:pre|code)>/g; 
     s/^\s*// unless $a;
    Is it possible to make a one-liner for UltraEdit? I am not an experienced user. Or is there any other solution?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 10, 2021#2

      There is no simple solution.

      The command Trim trailing spaces on ribbon tab Format or in menu Format is usually quite safe to use on an HTML file, but only if the HTML file does not contain other languages embedded on which it could be important that a trailing space or horizontal tab is kept at end of a line. In some special cases it is even not good to remove a space/tab at end of a line in an HTML section.

      The removal of leading spaces/tabs and of empty lines is very problematic, not only for text within the HTML elements PRE, CODE or KBD. What about paragraphs or other block elements with CSS attribute white-space:pre?

      I suggest to run HTML Tidy on ribbon tab Codding or in contemporary menu Coding or in traditional menu Format in submenu HTML validation. It does not only validate the active HTML file, it can generate also a "tidy" version of the HTML file depending on the used options on HTML not containing errors making it impossible for HTML Tidy to output a valid HTML file. That is usually better than using a script which reformats the HTML file without any real language intellisense.

      It could be also useful to use the Reindent selection command on ribbon tab Format or in menu Format. The reindent is done according to your configuration of the tab stop and indent settings for HTML files and the indent/unindent strings defined in the wordfile for syntax highlighting HTML files.

      However, it would be possible to code an UltraEdit script or macro to remove all leading and trailing spaces and empty lines within the elements PRE, CODE or KBD. It would just need more lines of macro/script code than in Perl. If you really want an UltraEdit macro or script for removal of all all these whitespaces, please let us know if you prefer a macro or a script and which version of UltraEdit you use on which operating system.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Apr 12, 2021#3

        Mofi wrote:
        Apr 10, 2021
        If you really want an UltraEdit macro or script for removal of all all these whitespaces, please let us know if you prefer a macro or a script and which version of UltraEdit you use on which operating system.
        Good day, Mofi, thank you for the answer! I see you are Grand Master in UltraEdit, I express my respect for you.
        If it's not difficult to you, please make this script. To replace  \n\s* to  \n everywhere, but leaving intact inside PRE, CODE, KBD.
        I use UltraEdit 22.20 on Windows 7.

        PS: My HTML files do not contain CSS.
        It is desirable for script to process the files without opening them due to their amount. Let's assume, target - all files in C:\000, without checking file types.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 18, 2021#4

          I wrote an UltraEdit script for this task which can be executed only on active file. I think, it is not possible to use Replace in Files for this task to process all HTML files in a folder without opening one after the other in UltraEdit. The script below can be extended with GetListOfFiles to process all files of a folder or folder tree by opening a file, running the finds/replaces as in posted script, saving and closing the file, and redo that until all files in the list are processed by the extended script.

          The UltraEdit script is not very efficient if the active file contains lots of preformatted text sections, i.e. lots of PRE or CODE or KBD elements. It was not possible to use the most efficient method to load the entire HTML file content into memory of JavaScript interpreter, process it there and output the result into the file replacing everything which would result in just one undo record and just two or three document window updates. The reason is that the script must be compatible with UltraEdit for Windows v22.20 which cannot load correct all non-ASCII characters into memory of JavaScript interpreter. Full (basic multilingual plane) Unicode aware UltraEdit v24.00 or a newer version would be required to process also HTML files with non-ASCII characters completely correct in memory of JavaScript interpreter inside of UltraEdit.

          I decided to make the script compatible with all versions of UltraEdit for Windows of v13.10 or a newer version. That downwards compatibility required a few additional lines in script code which would not be needed for UE v22.20.

          The script below contains two times the line:

          Code: Select all

          if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("\\n[\\t\\n\\r ]+","\\n")) nBlockModCount++;
          If the Perl regular expression engine of used UltraEdit supports \K, I recommend to change both lines to:

          Code: Select all

          if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("\\n\\K[\\t\\n\\r ]+","")) nBlockModCount++;
          UltraEdit for Windows v22.20 supports \K (keep back) as it can be seen by running first a Perl regular expression find with search expression \n[\t\n\r ]+ and on something found, moving caret upwards to the beginning of the line with line-feed selected at the end of the line and running again a Perl regular expression find with search expression \n\K[\t\n\r ]+. If the same whitespaces are found again with the difference that the line-feed at the end of the line is not selected this time, the used version of UltraEdit contains a Perl regular expression engine supporting the keep back expression \K which results in not selecting for the replace everything found by the expression left to \K in the search expression.

          Here is the script code tested with UE v13.10a+2, v22.20.0.49 and v28.00.0.114 on an example HTML file created by myself:

          Code: Select all

          if (UltraEdit.document.length > 0)  // Is any file opened?
             // Define environment for this script.
             if (typeof(UltraEdit.columnModeOff) == "function") UltraEdit.columnModeOff();
             else if (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocument.columnModeOff) == "function") UltraEdit.activeDocument.columnModeOff();
             // Move caret to top of the active file.
             // Define all the parameters for the Perl regular expression finds/replaces.
             if (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.searchInColumn) == "boolean")
             // Starting with UE for Windows v16.00 / UES v10.00 the property
             // currentColumnNum contains the column number with number 1 for
             // first column in line. Former versions return 0 for first column.
             // This difference must be compensated by adding 0 or 1 depending
             // on version of UE / UES.
             var nColumnOffset = (typeof(UltraEdit.activeDocumentIdx) == "undefined") ? 1 : 0;
             // Counts the blocks modified due to deletion of usual whitespaces.
             var nBlockModCount = 0;
             // Define some variables used inside the loop once outside of the loop.
             var sEndTag = "";
             var sStartTag = "";
             var nEndColumnNumber = 1;
             var nStartLineNumber = 1;
             var nStartLColumnNumber = 1;
                // Store the current caret position (line and column number) in variables.
                nStartLineNumber = UltraEdit.activeDocument.currentLineNum;
                nStartLColumnNumber = UltraEdit.activeDocument.currentColumnNum + nColumnOffset;
                // Search case-insensitive with a Perl Regular expression for the
                // next start tag of a PRE, CODE or KBD element in the active file.
                if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find("<(?:pre|code|kbd)\\b"))
                   // Load the found start tag into a variable.
                   sStartTag = UltraEdit.activeDocument.selection;
                   // Move the caret back to beginning of the found start tag and cancel the selection.
                   nEndColumnNumber = UltraEdit.activeDocument.currentColumnNum + nColumnOffset;
                   // In very old versions of UltraEdit the caret is at the beginning
                   // of the found string instead of the end and for that reason the
                   // column number is UE version dependent. If the character at the
                   // current caret position is not an opening angle bracket, the
                   // caret is (most likely) at the end of the found string.
                   if (!UltraEdit.activeDocument.isChar("<")) nEndColumnNumber-= sStartTag.length;
                   // Select everything from the beginning of the found start
                   // tag to the previous caret position in the active file.
                   if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.isSel())
                      // Change the mode to replace in current selection and run a
                      // Perl regular expression replace to delete all leading normal
                      // spaces, horizontal tabs, carriage returns and line-feeds in
                      // this selection, but not other whitespaces according to the
                      // Unicode specification which would be matched by \s too like
                      // a non-breaking space or an en space or a zero width joiner.
                      if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("\\n[\\t\\n\\r ]+","\\n")) nBlockModCount++;
                   // Move caret with a find to the corresponding end tag.
                   sEndTag = "</" + sStartTag.substr(1) + ">";
                   if (!UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find(sEndTag))
                      UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.find(sStartTag + "\\b");
                      UltraEdit.outputWindow.write("ERROR: Cannot find the end tag for the selected start tag.");
                      UltraEdit.outputWindow.write("       Everything after this start tag is not further processed.");
                   // Select from the current caret position to the end of the file.
                   // If the caret was not already at the end of the file and so
                   // there is really text selected, run the replace to delete all
                   // leading spaces/tabs and newline characters in this selection.
                   if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.isSel())
                      if (UltraEdit.activeDocument.findReplace.replace("\\n[\\t\\n\\r ]+","\\n")) nBlockModCount++;
             // Output a very small summary information into the output window
             // without changing the visibility status of the output window.
             var sPluralsDot = (nBlockModCount != 1) ? "s." : ".";
             UltraEdit.outputWindow.write("Whitespace deletions done on " + nBlockModCount.toString(10) + " block" + sPluralsDot);
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Apr 19, 2021#5

            @Mofi, I thank you for your diligence and help by composing the script.