Search marked word in function list and jump to entry

Search marked word in function list and jump to entry


    Sep 12, 2022#1


    is there a way to search for a marked word in an existing functions list via a script (possibly also macro) and jump to this entry?
    I've been searching for many hours now, but haven't found anything ready-made, so somehow I would have to do the
    following steps which I currently do by hand:

    1. copy selected word
    2. paste this word into the search entry of the function list
    3. jump to this position if available.

    Many IDEs of my other compilers have such functions out of the box. For example when pressing
    the "CTRL" key and double click on the function / variable / text. Then this IDE jumps to the
    declaration of the function or variable.

    12-09-2022_19-58-10.png (138.47KiB)
    12-09-2022_19-59-01.png (129.22KiB)

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 13, 2022#2

      There is something better already included in UltraEdit and UEStudio: Go to symbol definition (UES + UE) or Find symbol definition in project files (only UES) or Find symbol (UES + UE) which searches for the symbol at current caret position (selecting the symbol is not necessary) in the symbol database created either by the integrated IntelliTips parser or the Ctags parser and opens the file with the symbol definition (function, preprocessor macro, type definition, structure definition, global variable definition, etc.) and sets the caret at the beginning of the line with the symbol definition. The command Back (last position) respectively Go to previous position can be used next to go back to the previous file respectively the previous caret position. I use all these commands by hotkeys for efficient source code writing.

      Please let me know if you are using UEStudio or UltraEdit and the version of used UE/UES as there have been several updates in the last three years regarding to symbol parsing and IntelliTips. Please let me also know which user interface mode is used by you: ribbon mode or toolbar/menu mode with contemporary menus or toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus. Please let me know further if you are using projects for source code development with multiple source code files or do not use projects (not so good except for very small projects with just a single source code file). Which symbol parser is used on using projects: the integrated IntelliTips parser or the Ctags parser also installed together with UES/UE? Then I can describe how to work more efficient with UES/UE on writing code using the symbol database and all the features associated with them in your preferred user interface mode.

      BTW: The most efficient coding is achieved with doing as much as possible with the keyboard and using a pointing device as less as possible. The toolbar/menu modes with their predefined toolbars and with the possibility to create an own set of toolbars with the commands most often executed by using a pointing device instead of a hotkey or chord is better for programmers in my opinion than the ribbon mode. Writing code in UES/UE can be extremely efficient on knowing all features useful for code writing and have them configured for efficient usage.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Sep 13, 2022#3


        ok you probably mean the function "Menu Search >> Icon Search F11".
        But this function has never worked, although the symbols are present in the lists.

        No, I always work in multiple files in my projects. This project currently has over 30 thousand program lines, this would be absolute chaos in one file.

        As syntax parser (word files) I use my customized AVRco2022.uew (see attachment), there are the change of you included, which you had made me some time ago.

        I think that this CTAG does not work properly under Pascal anyway. The variables are empty, Types and Consts are also not considered.

        As current version I use the 2022.0.0.94 64-bit, the subscription runs until 2023-06-11, so I could update to a new version, but there I have become a bit cautious, many of my settings was shot during the updates again and again and I had to restore them by hand.

        AVRco2022.uew (29.59 KiB)   2
        13-09-2022_11-22-38.png (268.14KiB)
        13-09-2022_11-15-48.png (84KiB)

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Sep 13, 2022#4

          The installer of UEStudio updates only the program files of UEStudio which are for 64-bit German UEStudio v2022.0.0.94 in the directory %ProgramFiles%\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio on having not chosen a different directory during the installation. All the application data files of UEStudio with the user´s configuration are by default in the directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio and are not modified by the installer.

          There is no need to uninstall UEStudio first before upgrading from v2022.0.0.94 to v2022.1.0.100. If an uninstall is done nevertheless first before installing the new version, it should be done without having checked the options Deactivate license (German: Lizenz deaktivieren) and Remove application settings (German: Anwendungseinstellungen entfernen) as there will be next reinstalled UEStudio and so the license should be kept activated and the application data with your configuration should be kept too. There should be restarted Windows after an uninstall of UEStudio as there are usually pending rename operations registered in Windows registry to delete program files and program folders which could not be deleted immediately by the uninstaller because of being currently in use, for example by Windows Explorer running as Windows shell. The new version of UEStudio can be installed safely after the restart of Windows with the execution of the pending deletions at a very early state in startup process of Windows. However, an uninstall is definitely not necessary on upgrading from UEStudio v2022.0.0.94 to v2022.1.0.100. That would be only advisable on upgrading from a very old version of UEStudio to currently latest version (also without deactivating the license and without removal of the application settings).

          UEStudio v2022.1.0.100 detects itself on first start on a version entry in ues.ini that the the user´s configuration is from an older version of UEStudio. For that reason it creates automatically a backup of the entire application data directory of UEStudio in the directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio\Backup with a file with name ue_settings_backup.uec. Then it updates the configuration files with adding new configuration settings. There are definitely no settings deleted on upgrading from 2022.0.0.94 to 2022.1.0.100. I verified that for my own configuration after the upgrade.

          I don't know which settings you lost in the past on updating UEStudio. I have never lost any of my settings in the last 20 years of UE/UES upgrades and I have really configured UE/UES far away from the default. I always create logs on major upgrades (first or second number in version string changes) with the information on what is changed by the installer, what is created by the program on first start/exit, what is updated on configuration files already existing and finally what is not deleted on uninstall in file system and in Windows registry. I have written already lots of reports regarding to not correct configuration updates during beta test period to get them fixed before first public release of a new major version. I do that for any program, not only for UC/UE/UES and I do that since 20 years (starting on Windows 98). I have archived all these self-made logs. So I can tell you exactly which files and which registry keys/values are crated by each version of UC/UE/UES (and not deleted on uninstall) since UE v10.10 (June 2005 - Windows 98 and Windows XP). The even older logs from even older versions of UltraEdit installed only on Windows 98 were deleted by me years ago as my last PC with Windows 98 ended its life.

          If you want to be 100% sure that your settings are not lost, create a copy of the entire directory %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio if this directory contains the INI file as displayed in the configuration dialog window under Application Layout - Advanced (German: Programmverhalten - Fortgeschritten).

          The backup file ue_settings_backup.uec is for the use case that a user dislikes the new version, uninstalls it (without removal of application settings and with restarting Windows) and installs again the previous version. The application data files are already updated by the newer version before. So the user has to use now the Backup / Restore User Customizations dialog window (German: Benutzerkonfigurationen sichern/wiederherstellen and make use of the backup file ue_settings_backup.uec to get the configuration back before the update was done by the newer version of UEStudio not installed anymore.

            Sep 13, 2022#5

            The Perl regular expression search strings in your syntax highlighting wordfile are only for the Function List view (German: Funktionsliste) and are not used by IntelliTips or Ctags.

            There is the configuration setting Use function tips data (if available) for function list (German: Funktionstipps-Daten für Funktionsliste verwenden, falls vorhanden at Auto-complete - IntelliTips - Function tips (German: Autovervollständigung - IntelliTipps - Funktionstipps) to control if the strings found by the regular expression search strings in the used syntax highlighting wordfile(s) are displayed in the Function List view or the functions from the IntelliTips symbol parser. The functions found by the Ctags symbol parser can be never displayed in the Function List view. So the user should not make use of this configuration setting if an UEStudio project is opened which is configured to use the Ctags parser instead of the integrated InteliiTips parser of UEStudio.

            "Menu Search >> Icon Search F11" is an indication for me that you are using the toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus with menu Suchen (English: Search) with menu item Symbol suchen (English: Find symbol). This command is for searching for the symbol at current caret position in active file in the symbol database created by Ctags. This command fails for that reason to find any symbol on using the IntelliTips symbol parser and not the Ctags symbol parser for a project.

            The Klassen-Viewer (English: Class viewer of your screenshot shows me that in your case is used the integrated IntelliTips symbol parser and not Ctags which both support Pascal/Delphi. So you are using the wrong command to go to the definition of a symbol. You have to use the command Find symbol definition in project files. This command was never in any menu. It can be only executed by hotkey/chord or by clicking on the last symbol in the IntelliTips toolbar with the tooltip Sucht Symbol-Definitionen in Projektdateien in German UEStudio. Click in menu Ansicht (English: View) in submenu Ansichten/Listen (English: Views/lists) in submenu Symbolleisten (English: Symbol lists) on the menu item INTELLITIP (English: IntelliTip since UES v2022.1.0.90) to get this toolbar visible on not already displayed in the toolbars area.

            The two commands to find a symbol definition in Ctags symbol database as well as in IntelliTips database are both available in the key mapping configuration dialog.
            • Command Find symbol with the description Find symbol in Ctags file has key F11 assigned by default.
            • Command Find symbol definition in project files with the description Find symbol definition in project files has key Alt+Ctrl+F12 assigned by default.
            In German UEStudio the two commands are in configuration settings (Tastenzuordnung) in the commands list:
            • Symbol suchen with the description Symbol in Tag-Datei suchen also with key F11 assigned by default.
            • Sucht Symbol-Definitionen in Projekdateien with the description Sucht Symbol-Definitionen in Projektdateien has also key Alt+Ctrl+F12 assigned by default.
            So you have to use Alt+Ctrl+F12 to go the definition of a symbol as found by the IntelliTips parser as used by you for your UEStudio projects or click on the symbol of this command on the IntelliTips toolbar.

            PS: I know that some translations from English to German are not really good for a native German. The translation company used by Idera, Inc. and former by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. has not the deep knowledge of UltraEdit and UEStudio as I have to make the translations better which is sometimes really hard. I have already the file uestudio.lng in German UEStudio program files directory with 179 different (blocks of) changes made by me. I can share that file public for German users of UltraEdit and UEStudio v2022.1.0.100  (uedit32.lng and uedit64.lng are identical with uestudio.lng) if there is an interest. I have not yet translated all the HTML Tidy strings added with UE/UES v2022.1.0.90, but that is on my to do list for the next weekends.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Sep 15, 2022#6

              Hello Mofi,
              thank you, "Alt+Ctrl+F12" works perfect.
              Is there a key assignment for the command "Back (last position)" and "Go to previous position"?
              Unfortunately I have not been able to find anything, not even an option to assign these myself.


              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Sep 15, 2022#7

                There are not assigned by default keys to the commands Go to previous position and Go to next position. But it is possible to assign, for example, Alt+Shift+LEFT ARROW to Zu vorheriger Position and Alt+Shift+RIGHT ARROW to Zu nächster Position near bottom of the commands list (German: Befehle) at Extras - Optionen - Tastenzuordnung.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria