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- Thanks for checking that for me. Normally when I'm not sure about a REGEX I would simply try it against test data. However our office just went through a hardware refresh and so far they haven't decided on if they will re-install UltraEdit for my team on our new computers. Seems that a high level s...Posted in Find/Replace/Regular Expressions
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- MickRC3
Jan 08, 2018
- Is that correct for single digit months and days? The example given does not zero pad the fields.Posted in Find/Replace/Regular Expressions
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- MickRC3
Jan 05, 2018
- I have been using a 4K display for more than 4 years. However, I use a 50in TV as my monitor and don't have to use magnification. When you select 150% magnification in Windows it does just that, magnifies. Your version of UltraEdit is old and not aware of high resolution screens. Newer versions work...Posted in Editor Display
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- MickRC3
Nov 28, 2017
- Open the Replace Window. At the bottom select the starting column (30 in example) and ending column (before the rightmost starting number in the column) to be affected by the replace. Then Find whitespace and Replace with nothing. If the change is not intended for the entire document first select th...Posted in Find/Replace/Regular Expressions
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- MickRC3
Sep 28, 2017
- 10000 should not have worked. Your original file had two lines at the top, the XML shebang and the outer <products> tag, which are not part of a 10 line product entry. So the last product entry should have lost the last two lines which would be at the top of the next file. Now it is possible that yo...Posted in Scripts
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- MickRC3
Aug 28, 2017
- 1) In order to split up an XML file into two or more files based on the contents of inner tags you have to be able to save a lot of temporary information. Macros are not the correct tools for this. Variable support is not there. A scripting solution would be better. 2) As you discovered, there are t...Posted in Scripts
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- MickRC3
Aug 24, 2017
- Can you change the highlighting to any other language? If so, can you then go from there to No Highlighting?Posted in Syntax Highlighting
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- MickRC3
Aug 18, 2017
- I have UE 21.20 at work and UE 23 at home. I can only do this sort of testing at home. What version are you using? Looks like it is 24x? And submit your ColdFusion wordfile (with a name that does not conflict with the old ColdFusion wordfile) to the wordfile repository so I can try it.Posted in Configuration/INI Settings
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- MickRC3
Jul 20, 2017
- One thing that Mofi did not mention (perhaps because it is so obvious) is that you need to have a file in the language you want to write templates for open as the active tag and that file is recognized by syntax highlighting. For instance, I have a half dozen programs open in my UltraEdit session ri...Posted in Configuration/INI Settings
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- MickRC3
Jul 20, 2017
- Thanks Mofi. I try to avoid using double-quoted strings when I can, limiting them to enclosing strings containing single quotes and format statements. I did try a color group of "Octal Numbers" just like you did, with the same results.I am stuck letting IDL fail on the syntax check and find the stri...Posted in Syntax Highlighting
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- MickRC3
Jul 18, 2017
- I have a similar struggle to new C++14 single quotation marks in binary literals with IDL (Interactive Data Language) which is a data analysis language. It allows strings to be delimited with ' or " but also uses the " to represent an octal integer. So "aaa18" is a string but "18" is an invalid octa...Posted in Syntax Highlighting
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- MickRC3
Jul 17, 2017
- Is the original file left unchanged or is it renamed using the new sequence number? If File_003.log is loaded and you choose run the script twice, do you get File_004.log and File_005.log or is File_004.log updated with the second execution? If you have File_005.log in UE but File_006.log already ex...Posted in Scripts
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- MickRC3
Jun 22, 2017
- You've answered your own question. When called by a computer program, the calling program assumes that the provided file is in fact a JSON file and so doesn't care what it is named. Thus there is no restriction on what extension may be used for a JSON file. However for a programmer's text editor lik...Posted in Syntax Highlighting
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- MickRC3
May 31, 2017
- Thanks for the very complete answer, Mofi. You're right about the lack of need to change the behavior on double-click. I only have two instances of UE running perhaps 5% of the time. Having two instances and also using UC even less often.Posted in UltraCompare General Discussion
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- MickRC3
May 26, 2017