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- Hi, you can use this Perl regexp which matches all 8digit sequences of the same number. (\d)(?=\1{7}) If you need to match a particular digit then replace \d with the desired number. For example (3)(?=\1{7}) BR, FleggyPosted in Find/Replace/Regular Expressions
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- fleggy
Jul 21, 2021
- The counting behavior you want to have can be achieved with using the Perl regular expression search string \< 3 \> (?= (?: .+\< 3 \> ) {7} ) which searches for a single digit 3 with a look-ahead for a positive match only if there are seven more single digit 3 in the line. A look-ahead searches for...Posted in Find/Replace/Regular Expressions
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- Mofi
Jul 21, 2021