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- I have a script that contains an array of file names with the full UNC path. For the first file only , I need to get a partial path out of it. The paths will have all a similar format: ...\CCN 6241\Install\Back_End... I need to get the UNC path up through the "Install" folder, if it exists, otherw...Replies: 5 Views: 15.4K
- 5 Replies
- Last post by DGMarchant
May 10, 2021
- I've noticed that the Highlight all selected feature in UE v24.xx only highlights text that is in the same case as the original selected text. Is there any way to make it ignore case? For instance, my code (well, I didn't write it but I get to modify it) has both FNC_PTRAN and fnc_ptran . Selecting...Replies: 4 Views: 31.7K
- 4 Replies
- Last post by Mofi
Jan 31, 2021
- I need to do a particular search on several hundred files, and output the file name and search results into a separate file or window. The files are all in one folder, and range in size from 45 KB (under 1000 lines of text) to over 19 MB (almost 400,000 lines). Here's the tricky part: I need to sear...Replies: 2 Views: 6.4K
- 2 Replies
- Last post by DGMarchant
May 14, 2019
- I have written a script to copy the full path and file name to the clipboard and put a double quote before and after it, and that works fine. I tried to extend the script to loop through all open files, quoting the file path as before, and pasting the results into a new blank document. So far, all I...Replies: 9 Views: 5.3K
- 9 Replies
- Last post by Ovg
Feb 16, 2018
- Hope someone can help with this, I can see no built in way to do this, so is there a script that can list the full path of all open documents?Replies: 4 Views: 3.6K
- 4 Replies
- Last post by Mofi
Feb 15, 2018
- I was looking at the new UltraFinder and wondered how new it really was. I noticed that it is starting out at version 13. Is IDM reselling another product or buy another product? Thus there is a historical code base? I am a long time UE user with lifetime upgrades. Been debating about adding UltraCo...Replies: 4 Views: 8.7K
- 4 Replies
- Last post by DGMarchant
Mar 28, 2014