
Select using Ctrl+

Select using Ctrl+


    Jun 21, 2005#1


    I'm moving to UltraEdit from Visual Studio, and one text selection feature that visual studio has that I have a hard time living without is the ability to select a single word by holding down the Ctrl button and single clicking the left mouse button with the cursor over the word to be selected. I know it's possible to change the individual key bindings in the configuration, but it does not seem possible to combine keystrokes and mouse clicks. Does anyone know how to do this?

    Thanks in advance,


      Jun 21, 2005#2

      Have you tried two clicks on your left mouse key instead of one?

      Advanced UserAdvanced User

        Jun 21, 2005#3

        I don't know how to do this, but I suspect you'll eventually get used to double clicking to select a word.


          Jun 21, 2005#4

          Yeah, I know that double clicking a word will select it, but the Crtl+single click is just so confortable when I'm power copy-and-pasting using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V because you don't have to take your left pinky finger off the Ctrl button. If there was a way to do it, it would've been nice.

          Thanks for your replies.



            Jun 21, 2005#5

            You can setup AutoHotKey
            to replace say Ctrl+<any unused key> to trigger a double click to select your word.


              Jun 21, 2005#6

              I figured the best way to do this Ctrl+<Single Click> is to simply make two little macros, which is easy to do using the Macro menu. I just go to Edit Macro... in the Macro menu, and in the window that appears click the button labeled New Macro. For copying, I add the SelectWord and Copy commands from the box on the right. I do the same for pasting, except I use the SelectWord and Paste commands. For now, I assigned Alt-c for selecting and copying, and Alt-v for selecting and pasting. So to do my power copy-and-pasting, I move the cursor over to the word I'm going to copy, Alt-c, and then move it to the word I'm going to replace and Alt-v. Problem solved.

              That AutoHotkey looks like a nice little utility, it's a lot more than just hotkeys.


              Basic UserBasic User

                Jun 23, 2005#7

                stejfish, I agree with you. There is always one little thing that is essential to using and liking a program. The NetCaptor browser has several small usability features that are not in Firefox's extensions nor Maxthon's plugins, for example. CTRL+click to select is a great suggestion, and if you haven't already, I'll write to the IDM folks to suggest it in your name.

                Advanced UserAdvanced User

                  Jun 27, 2005#8

                  Before using UltraEdit I was used to holding Ctrl switching to a column select mode so there are obviously many different function people would like. The best option would be for IDM to implement something that is programmable like key mapping.