
Selected character count in status bar

Selected character count in status bar


    Mar 13, 2013#1

    Hi all,

    Long time user, first time poster. I have the latest version of UltraEdit, and one thing that's always drove me nuts is that the statusbar shows the selected byte count instead of the selected character count. (How typically useful is to showing the selected byte count of a Unicode file? Not very!).

    Anyway, is there a way to change this to show the selected character count?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 13, 2013#2

      As IDM introduced the feature to show the number of selected bytes I suggested already during beta test period to change that to the number of characters as for Unicode files the number of bytes must be always devided by 2 by the user to get the number of characters which I thought is more useful for the writers of Unicode files. But my suggestion was not implemented and is still not implemented in UE v19.00.0.1022.

      There is no option to change the display of selected bytes/lines to selected characters/lines.

      I recommend assigning a hotkey to command SearchWordCount for the command Word Count in menu Search to quickly open the dialog containing the number of selected characters.


        Mar 13, 2013#3

        Thanks for the reply and for the tip!

        It's disappointing that this wouldn't be an option at least. To be absolutely clear: the byte count is actually wrong anyway. If the file is UTF-8 it still shows (as you say) two bytes per character, even when there is really only one byte per character (for the ASCII subset). I'm not sure how this might help someone out in life...