Speech to Text (windows) doesn't seem to "like" UltraEdit?

Speech to Text (windows) doesn't seem to "like" UltraEdit?

Basic UserBasic User

    14:21 - Feb 11#1

    I'm using 2023.1.0.23 64-bit on windows server 2022
    I'm trying to get windows speech to text to work
    I did ensure that I didn't have any misconfiguration with that - it seems to work in Notepad and other apps
    However, in UltraEdit, it's not working

    I can use Notepad, but it would be lovely to use my favorite editor here.

    I did search the forum and saw a post about this from years ago. Before I go and email support I just wanted to sanity check here in case there is some random thing I am missing.

    -- The Digital Sorceress


      6:10 - Jun 07#2


      You're right! UltraEdit itself doesn't have built-in support for Windows Speech to Text.

      It sounds like you've encountered a common frustration: the lack of native speech-to-text integration within UltraEdit. While UltraEdit is a powerful text editor, it currently doesn't offer built-in support for Windows Speech to Text functionality. This can be a real roadblock for those who prefer to dictate their text within their favorite editing environment.

      Here's a deeper dive into the issue and some potential solutions:

      Understanding the Limitations:

      Several users on the UltraEdit forums have reported similar challenges. There seems to be a lack of interaction between Windows Speech to Text and UltraEdit. This could be due to various reasons:

      Design Choice: The developers might have prioritized other features over speech recognition integration.
      Technical Hurdles: Implementing speech-to-text functionality could involve complex coding and compatibility challenges.
      Alternative Approaches:

      While a native solution within UltraEdit might not be readily available, there are still ways to leverage speech-to-text capabilities for your workflow:

      Third-Party Dictation Software: Invest in software like Dragon Naturally Speaking. These programs offer superior voice recognition features and often integrate seamlessly with various applications, including text editors like UltraEdit. This can provide a more robust and accurate speech-to-text experience.

      Workaround with Notepad: This might not be ideal, but you can utilize the built-in Windows Speech to Text functionality within Notepad. Dictate your text there, and then simply copy and paste it into your UltraEdit document. While not the most elegant solution, it allows you to leverage dictation for faster content creation.

      Macro Creation (Advanced Users): For users comfortable with scripting, creating a macro within UltraEdit could be an option. This would involve using a third-party macro recorder or UltraEdit's built-in scripting capabilities to capture your keyboard and mouse actions while using Windows Speech to Text in another application. However, this approach requires technical expertise and might not be practical for everyone.

      Reaching out to UltraEdit support:

      Even though there might not be a confirmed fix currently, contacting UltraEdit support could be beneficial. They might have insights into the issue or potential workarounds. Additionally, voicing your desire for speech recognition integration could encourage them to consider it as a feature for future versions. Sharing your experience can help them understand the needs of their user base.

      The Future of Speech Recognition in UltraEdit:

      The landscape of text editing software is constantly evolving. As voice recognition technology advances and user demand increases, UltraEdit might consider implementing native speech-to-text functionality in the future. Staying updated with UltraEdit's development roadmap or future releases could reveal any advancements in this area.

      By exploring these alternatives and workarounds, you can hopefully find a solution that allows you to leverage speech-to-text functionality within your UltraEdit workflow.

      I hope the information may helps you.

      Best regards,
      Dennis Leon