
Spell check not working, fixed with UE v16.00.0.1040

Spell check not working, fixed with UE v16.00.0.1040

Basic UserBasic User

    Apr 11, 2010#1

    When I click Edit/Spell check or press CTRL+K, a msgbox like this appears

    Spell Checker
    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    I thought it could be that aspell6.dll needs to be registered, so opened a cmd window in
    C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32\GNU\aspell\bin
    and typed regsvr32 aspell6.dll - as a result this msgbox appeared

    LoadLibrary("aspell6.dll") failed - This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    In Configuration / Spell checker / Dictionary - both 'Dictionary' and 'Added words' boxes are completely empty.

    The [SpellChecker] section of my .ini looks like this

    Code: Select all

    DataDictDir=C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32
    HomeDir=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\IDMComp\UltraEdit\
    I see there's nothing next to Dictionary= , tried to manually edit that line(in Notepad, with UE closed) like Dictionary=en , Dictionary=en-US , Dictionary=en-common (as en-common.rws is the largest file in C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32\GNU\aspell\dict\ folder) , but nothing happens - when UE starts, it deletes what I added and makes the line again just Dictionary= . It seems UE can't find any dictionary file

    Any suggestion how to fix this ?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 12, 2010#2

      Aspell6.dll is created from an open source project which also supports Linux operating system. Such multi-OS projects do not require in general registration in the Windows registry because on Linux/MAC there is no registry.

      When running a customized installation it is an option to install also the dictionary files or not. By default the dictionary files are installed into the 2 directories UltraEdit program directory\GNU\aspell\data and UltraEdit program directory\GNU\aspell\dict.

      At Advanced - Configuration - Spell Checker - Dictionary Directories you can specify the Aspell parent directory and the directory for your personal data directory (personal dictionary created when you add words). For details on the personal spell checking data files see Use a spell check dictionary from Word?

      By default the Aspell parent directory is the UltraEdit program directory because UltraEdit searches in this directory for GNU\aspell\bin\aspell6.dll, GNU\aspell\data\*.* and GNU\aspell\dict\*.*. Users already using Aspell also for other applications like Firefox can disable installation of the dictionary files and set the directories to existing Aspell directory using same directory tree common for all applications using Aspell.

      So take a look if the 2 subdirectories are present and contain the required files. If they are missing, you would need to run the MSI installer to install them.

      The settings in uedit32.ini are correct for default installation and should work. The dictionary can be chosen in the configuration dialog. There is no need to manually edit uedit32.ini.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Apr 12, 2010#3

        Thanks for the reply Mofi.
        I have the required folders & files, namely
        C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32\GNU\aspell\ and inside it:
        \bin -> aspell6.dll inside
        \data -> various .cmap , .cset , .dat files inside
        \dict -> various .rws , .multi , .alias files inside

        Still, no dictionaries appear in the configuration dialog, no matter how I set the paths in 'Dictionary Directories'
        Where UE looks to see what dictionaries are available? I guess it should look in
        <path set as Aspell parent directory>\GNU\Aspell\dict\
        , but obviously that's not the case as I have files there.

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 13, 2010#4

          For testing I copied C:\Programs\UltraEd (my UltraEdit program directory with all the configuration files) to C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32 and renamend C:\Programs\UltraEd\GNU to something different to make sure that UltraEdit can't use the files in that directory.

          Next I started uedit32.exe from the new location, opened the Dictionary Directories Spell Checker configuration dialog and changed the Aspell parent directory to C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32 like you. After closing the configuration dialog with OK, exiting UltraEdit and restarting it, I can see all the dictionaries in the configuration dialog and a quickly executed spell check also worked. I'm using UltraEdit v16.00.0.1036 English with the English dictionaries installed with UltraEdit.

          I suggest to change the Personal data directory directory. Maybe C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\IDMComp\UltraEdit\ is the problem because with your current account this directory is write protected. You can easily check this with a try to save a new file in that directory. However, configure a different personal data directory like C:\Temp just to be sure that the personal data directory is not the problem.

          If that does not help, you can use Filemon from SysInternals to find out why UltraEdit can't find any dictionary file although it looks like everything is set correct.

          Attention: Just detected that v16.00.0.1038 was released by IDM and the UltraEdit hofix page contains at bottom of the list for v16.00.0.1036 the entry "Update for aspell". So first update your UE v16.00 installation and then try spell check again.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Apr 18, 2010#5

            there's something really strange here.
            C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\IDMComp\UltraEdit\ is writeable (just to be sure I set 'Full control' for 'Everyone' both for that folder and for UE installation folder)
            I tried deleting the spell check section of the .ini, deleting the entire .ini etc., nothing
            Updated to the latest .1038 version - nothing

            And what's really strange is that I performed a default installation of .1038 in a virtual machine, a fresh copy of XP SP3 pro (a default Windows US-English installation without whatever tweaks or post-install customizations) where no IDM product was ever installed. UE shows exactly the same error messages as on my 'real' system (in my first post), and there are no dictionaries displayed in Spell checker -> Dictionary.
            Trying to add a word to a dictionary makes UE to crash after clicking the 'Add' button, both in VM and real system.

            Tried with Sysinternals' Process Explorer too. There are two failures related to the following non-existing files
            C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32\GNU\Aspell\bin\aspell6.dll.2.Manifest
            C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32\GNU\Aspell\bin\aspell6.dll.2.Config

            Not sure what the problem could be, but seems to be a bug either in UE or aspell.

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Apr 18, 2010#6

              Windows (not UE) always searches for a manifest and a config file when loading a DLL or EXE, so these 2 errors can be ignored.

              Have you also tried to set as personal data directory for example C:\Temp\ instead of C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\IDMComp\UltraEdit\ ?

              The built-in administrator account is different to a user account with administrator privileges. Working with the built-in administrator account is not recommended (by Microsoft). The built-in adminstrator account should be only used for installing drivers (and applications) and for fixing problems, but not for daily work. I don't know much about the differences, but there are internally in Windows differences between built-in admin account and a user account with admin rights, independent of the NTFS permissions.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

              Basic UserBasic User

                Apr 18, 2010#7

                yes, I tried with C:\tmp (both with default permissions and full control set for everyone), no difference.
                AFAIK in XP the built-in administrator account is no different than any other with admin rights. Anyway, in the VM I do not use the built-in administrator account but another account with admin rights, and the result is the same. I also tried with a limited user account , copied install dir to user desktop, set full control for everyone, changed paths etc., no difference.

                well I solved it.
                Just replaced \GNU\aspell\bin\aspell6.dll with an older copy of that file from a v15.00 backup - and all started to work normally. I didn't replace other files in \GNU\aspell\ with the older ones, just aspell6.dll
                v15 aspell6.dll is 752 KB while v16 is only 416 KB (probably packed with something, and this might be the problem).
                v15 does not have version info, v16 is

                Grand MasterGrand Master

                  Apr 19, 2010#8

                  Hm, much smaller (without packing) Aspell 0.60.6 installed with UE v16.00 works fine on my installation. I'm not using spell check while typing. I just run a spell check as last step of writing a public text file. Installed with v15.20 of UltraEdit was Aspell 0.60.4.

                  Now with comparing the Aspell versions I could see that Aspell 0.60.6 was compiled by IDM with Visual Studio 2008 because it has a DLL dependency for msvcr90.dll and msvcp90.dll. On Windows 2000 and Windows XP those 2 DLLs are by default not installed. They are present when .NET frameworks are installed (not on my Windows XP) or any other application using MFC 9.0 (on my computer this was Personal Antivir from Avira). On Windows Vista and Windows 7 the redistributable DLLs of Visual Studio 2008 are always preinstalled.

                  Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
                  or older
                  Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
                  should fix problems caused by missing MFC 9.0 DLLs on Windows 2000 and Windows XP 32-bit.

                  Both packages exist also for 64-bit Windows, for example Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64).

                  I will report IDM that missing DLLs of Visual Studio 2008 could be a problem for using Aspell. And I will suggest that IDM should compile the DLL with Visual Studio 6, or add to help a link to the download page of Microsoft for the package.

                    May 05, 2010#9

                    With UE v16.00.0.1040 a recompiled aspell6.dll with version number is installed which does not require anymore the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package to be installed.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria