I just recently upgraded to UE17 from UE14, and in doing my first spell check on a C/C++ type file, an old bug seems to have returned. I have the spell check filter set to on and set to C/C++. Given this code snippet:
The misspellings in the comment and string should be found, but "powq", the variable name, should not be tagged as a misspelling. But it is. This was a bug back in version 11 or so, that was fixed in version 13. Any chance for another fix? Spell checking a source code file is pretty useless if it flags all my variables and functions as misspelled...
Exact build I am using:
Code: Select all
// There is a misspelling here: "ghuyt"
char *powq = "Another misspelling: nhswr";
Exact build I am using: