
Spell checking forum posts

Spell checking forum posts

Power UserPower User

    May 03, 2005#1

    Is there any way to spell check forum posts, apart from creating them in UE in the first place and using it's spell checker? :lol:



      May 03, 2005#2

      Hi PaoloFCantoni

      If you use Firefox,- install Dictionaries and Spellbound.
      Then you can spell check all form text fields. I couldn't live without it.
      For Opera :Spell-checking With Opera - Brilliant browser used to use it but then FireFox came along (Opera usability without commercials :) )
      For IE: I honestly don't know, haven't used it for years but there must be one - try goggle for it ( though I would consider FF or Opera).

      Mozilla FireFox
      SpellBound - the extension for FireFox
      Dictionaries - The Dictionaries used by the extension.

      Be aware though! If you are running on a normal/restricted/limited account on 2K/XP, login as an administrator to install dictionaries. There after they should also be available for you as a normal user.

      Use: Write in a form and click right mouse button to access spell checking.

      If you need help to install FireFox/Spellbound/Dictionaries I'll will try though I'm no expert or for real expert support checkout the brilliant Mozilla Firefox Support Forum
      I'm hrikjsen over there.

      I had 6 spell errors in this post - corrected with SpellBound :)

      Power UserPower User

        May 03, 2005#3

        Thanks Henrik,

        Do you know if I have to have Firefox running whan I right click or just have it installed?

        That way I could still use my corporate provided email program but spell check the posts (and ANY form - as you suggest) on demand...

        There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
        Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!


          May 03, 2005#4

          Hi PaoloFCantoni

          Sorry, but the spell checking can only be performed from within FireFox.

          Though you brought up an interesting question.
          - A system-wide spell checking system hooked in to the Windows API, so you could spell check all Text areas in Windows ?

          There must exist such an applet ?

          I could certainly use one ;)

          I'll try to goggle on that tonight.

          Edit: On the other hand, that might go in Win9X but 2K/XP have a much more protected memory model, so it probably only would be accessible through some Microsoft System API calls. Oh Oh I think I've just brought the subject way over my own head :) I'll have to find some System programming wizard or maybe there are some on this forum that can give his/her opinion on this. - Is it possible ?


            May 03, 2005#5

            Ha ha ha :lol:
            or maybe
            This is not fair :cry:
            They have a "system wide spell checker" build in to the system on the MAC OS X
            Goggle on "System wide spell checker"

            Well I'll better stop with this off-ultraedit-topic before I'm the guilty part in getting this thread banned to "My 2 Cents". ;)


              May 05, 2005#6

              Hi PaoloFCantoni

              Stumbled over a spell checker for IE ieSpell.
              That way I could still use my corporate provided email program but spell check the posts (and ANY form - as you suggest) on demand...
              I don't know if this will also work in your corporate provided email program but if it supports ActiveX scripting and are somehow integrated into Internet Explorer, there should be a chance, because, as I understand, the IE spell is an ActiveX control. But to be honest I don't know anything about ActiveX and IE.
              But you could try it out because it's free for personal use. :)


              Power UserPower User

                May 06, 2005#7

                Thanks for that Henrik ieSpell works a treat! I recommend it to all posters who use IE...

                There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
                Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!