
Spice highlighting

Spice highlighting


    Nov 15, 2005#1

    Anybody have a Spice syntax highlighting file?

    I've already checked the main listing, but I thought I'd post here in case somebody has their own custom Spice highlighting that isn't on the main list yet. How the heck can there be all those languages and not Spice? Spice is like, 30 years old, and still used widely today.

    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Nov 15, 2005#2

      Hi Hawken

      Some times when I need a syntax file I checkout TextPad.com
      After all keywords are keywords no matter what editor you're using!

      Well I did find Spice, http://www.textpad.com/add-ons/synn2t.html

      But there wasn't much to it!

      Code: Select all

      .ac .alter
      .end .ends
      .global .graph
      .ic .inc .include
      .lib .libary .load
      .meas .measure .model
      .op .opt .option .options
      .param .print .probe
      .save .subckt
      .temp .title .tran
      That said all you have to do is create new language /L12 and add these keywords under /C1

      Now about comments
      Line Comment = * Line Comment Alt = $

      Code: Select all

      /L12 "Spice" SPICE_LANG Nocase Line Comment = * Line Comment Alt = $
      /Delimiters = " '
      /Open Brace Strings =  "{" "(" "["
      /Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]"
      /C1"Preprocessor keywords" STYLE_KEYWORD
      .ac .alter
      .end .ends
      .global .graph
      .ic .inc .include
      .lib .libary .load
      .meas .measure .model
      .op .opt .option .options
      .param .print .probe
      .save .subckt
      .temp .title .tran
      /C2"Operators" STYLE_OPERATOR
      // /
      I'm sorry I don't know more about the language.
      I hope this is a start, did I say that syntax is kept in Wordfile.txt file.
      C:/documents & settings/username/Application Data/IDMcomp/UltraEdit/
      or C:/Program Files/UltraEdit/

      Good Luck