
Startup drive access

Startup drive access


    Dec 07, 2011#1

    How do I stop UE 17 from accessing all drives when it starts? I have an external RAID box that allows the drives to spin down after a period of inactivity.

    When I start UE there is a delay while the RAID spins up. I need to stop this. I already don't reload files.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 07, 2011#2

      Do you have the File Tree View open and see the Explorer tab? Yes! And do you see also the labels of the drives? Yes! What do you think from where the drive labels are read? :wink:

      Joking apart. Open Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tree View and
      • uncheck setting Show volume labels in Explorer view,
      • uncheck setting Show registered file type icons in Explorer view (not really needed to avoid access of other drives, but reduces the number of file system accesses a lot),
      • uncheck setting Scan for empty folders in Explorer view.
      For the other settings in this configuration dialog you have to make your choice according to your needs.

      Please note that I don't really know if this is already enough to stop UltraEdit accessing all drives on startup. Perhaps it is also important that the Explorer tab of File Tree View is not the active tab or the File Tree View must be made hidden or even completely closed on startup.

      If nothing helps, I suggest to contact IDM support by email and ask what to do to avoid disk accesses on all drives or write for an improvement.

      I have reported already by email to IDM that I can hear sometimes on startup of UltraEdit that floppy disk drive in my old desktop computer at work is accessed. Interesting is that I could whether with old File Monitor nor with Process Monitor of Sysinternals see that uedit32.exe really accesses the floppy disk drive. It is mysterious for me why I can sometimes hear and also see on the floppy drive LED that the floppy drive is accessed, but both file system monitoring applications usually really recording all disk accesses do not contain any line showing me who accesses the floppy drive and how.


        Dec 08, 2011#3

        I have unchecked every option on that panel. Still spins up the drive. I have removed all the tabs on the right and something related to Open Files.

        Basic UserBasic User

          Sep 24, 2012#4

          You must set a local path address as root folder. To do this task, use the command Set Directory as Root via context menu in the File Tree View section.