
Suggestion: Find in this file only

Suggestion: Find in this file only


    Nov 23, 2007#1

    What I would like is a 'Search in' option to search in the 'current' file only. The option of 'Open Files' is broader than what I want to search.

    The workaround is to explicitly name the directory and the file in the textboxes 'Directory:' and 'In Files/Types' respectively. But this is a lot of work where a simple option would do the job.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 23, 2007#2

      Use normal find with option List Lines Containing String from top of the actual file. That option is designed for that job, not Find In Files.

      Or press key F7 = Edit - Copy File Path/Name, open the Find In Files dialog, set focus to the Files/Types field (content is automatically selected), press Ctrl+V to paste the full file name of the actual file and delete everything in the Directory field and run the search on this listed file.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Nov 24, 2007#3

        Hi Mofi

        Many thanks for the tip. It work as you said it would.

        Still, I like my suggestion better as it integrates into the existing functionality and minimizes the user interface. Just my opinion.