
switch by keyboard-shortcut e.g. from editor -> console -> ftp -> etc.

switch by keyboard-shortcut e.g. from editor -> console -> ftp -> etc.


    Jun 20, 2008#1

    is there a possibility to switch between the "views" (sorry, don´t know the right word in english, I have the german menu settings) without using the mouse?

    Example: switch from the editor to the console by a keyboard-shortcut or by browsing through the menu (by keyboard) - without touching the mouse (I don´t mean to display/don´t display the console-window in my workspace)
    The console window/view is only an example - want to use ftp-window, function-list etc. also.

    I cannot find any hints in the UE help files - yes, I found the shortcut coinfiguration, but there is no option for console window, ftp-window, etc.

    Thank you all for help!

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 20, 2008#2

      In the key mapping configuation dialog there are the commands FocusToOutputWindow and FocusToTreeView. I don't know about any other setting for docked window bars. You maybe better contact IDM support by email and ask if there are further keys. The focus can be set to function list by pressing F8 which also updates the list and opens it, if it is not already open.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jun 23, 2008#3

        Found in key mapping dialog:

        FocusNextPane / F6
        FocusPreviousPane / Shift+F6
        FocusToOutputWindow / Ctrl+F7
        FocusToTreeview / F4

        F4 is a little help to me already. I would exactly need this kind of focus to any "section" or of the UE workspace.
        "FocusToOutputWindow" is that used for the parser or debugger? (didn't needed it so far)
        What is meant to "pane" ? I can't see any effect using this shortcut and can't find the word "pane" in my dictionary ....
        I'm going now using UE in my daily work...

        thank you!

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Jun 23, 2008#4

          The output window can be made visible on clicking Window - Output Window. As the name already indicates, it is used mainly for outputs of programs and processes.

          For example you can configure user tools and UltraEdit should capture the output of the user tools and display it in the output window. The output window will be automatically opened when something is captured from a user tool for the output window. Very useful for the output of compilers, but also many other user tools.

          Also when you run Search - Find In Files and you have not checked the option Results to Edit Window, the output is written to the output window which will be automatically opened.

          The integrated JavaScript engine writes it's error messages also to the output window, but without opening it automatically. So if you ever develop scripts, make the output window visible. With scripts you can even write to the output window from within the script.

          For more details about the output window click on right mouse button when the mouse is in this window and see page Output Window command in help of UltraEdit.

          FocusNextPane and FocusPreviousPane are only useful if you a have splitted an edit window into 2 parts. You can do this with Window - Split Window or by moving the mouse cursor over the small rectangle over the top of the vertical scroll bar of an edit window. The mouse cursor will change to a symbol with 2 horizontal lines with arrows. That indicates that you can now press the left mouse button and drag this split bar to split the window. FocusNextPane and FocusPreviousPane are common Windows features supported also by many other applications like the MS Office programs, Adobe Reader, etc. In UltraEdit you can split a window only into 2 parts (= 2 window panes). Therefore FocusNextPane and FocusPreviousPane do the same. That's the reason why I use only Shift+F6 and use F6 for toggling the visibility of the output window.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Jun 25, 2008#5

            Mofi, thank you again for your explanations, very helpful!