
Switch files on File Menu with single click?

Switch files on File Menu with single click?


    Dec 21, 2004#1

    I had a quick look though the forum, but couldn't find anything about this one.

    I used to use TextPad for my MDI editing requirements - but there's just too many problems with that software, so I bought UltraEdit.

    In TextPad - a single click on the Open File list would activate that file entry. With UltraEdit you are required to double click the list before the window is changed.

    So I'm just single clicking the File List - and wondering why my file doesn't change. I know this is a small issue - and something I'm sure I'll get used to eventually, but does anyone know if an option exists that can change this? I had a good look through the Configuration options - but couldn't find anything.

    If it doesn't exist I thought it might be a good option to allow the user to customise (single or double click). It should only allow single click selection when you're looking at Open Files - because it wouldn't work too well if you were just browsing the file system (you wouldn't want to load every file that you clicked on).

    (By the way - UltraEdit is a brilliant product - worth my money for sure! Just wish I had have switched sooner.)

    Basic UserBasic User

      Dec 21, 2004#2

      Welcome Joel! I agree and I'm a big fan in "click-efficiency." In version 11 (due by April?), IDM is scheduled to enhance its file list/explorer and let's hope that will be one of the changes. I was a big fan of TextPad, too, but couldn't open large files with it. When I wished it could, I was repeatedly told: "What are you doing opening large files with a text editor?!"

      Which made my point and fortunately I discovered UltraEdit. Its customizability alone makes a distinct difference in my work day.


        May 03, 2005#3

        [FIRST POST]

        I'm a long time fan of Textpad after having tried many editors (all different types, sizes, purposes - from drop-in replacements for notepad, unicode editors, full blown IDEs). And to say I was gobsmacked when I used UltraEdit for the first time would be an understatement! Unicode support >> Textpad's support. The support for code folding in programming languages many general purpose editors are only superificially aware of, is impressive to say the least. Also, is its awesome configurability and its intuitive interface customization is a magnitude above that of TextPad (no mean feat for a general purpose editor without also becoming slow and unintuitive). Oh, and finally some visual indication of fixed column width by the ruler. It would be even better if there was a semi-transparent line dropping vertically from the ruler all the way through the document, but hey, a ruler is still better than Textpad.

        However, I am still using Textpad and Ultraedit side by side. This is mainly because of a few things:

        1) I have some configurations (editing TeX and Java) which I have to transfer,
        2) Textpad's speed on loading medium (10MB-500MB) files is actually faster than UltraEdit on my P3-700. I also like the file loading progress bar at the bottom left in TextPad,
        3) I often work with many files at a time. Textpad's workspace management is pretty reasonable. I didn't realise how attached I am to being able to click just once to navigate between files. Double clicking seems so time-consuming now, its freaky! Think how often one would check another file for code/block snippets, quick visual comparisons etc.

        The first issue is kind of moot, since I will finish transferring at some point. The second issue is not huge. For a medium-large file, I am generally prepared to wait a few seconds. For truly huge files, (500MB->GBs) I would use one of my various hex editors which all load them instantly anyway.

        So, believe it or not, 3) is actually the most important thing for me currently. If UltraEdit supported this as a configuration option, I doubt I would ever have need for, use or have Textpad on any of my machines. Arguably, it is still early days and I may find other small niggles, but this is an obvious user interface efficiency thing and may concern many veteran users of other editors, so I felt it was worth pointing out.


          May 10, 2005#4

          Ditto re single-click file switch.

          I have another wish-list item: Prior to UE 11, I could "flip" between two open files (with many files open) by pressing CTRL-TAB, releasing keys, pressing CTRL-TAB, etc. This would allow me to flip between fileA and fileB. Thus allowing me to quickly compare two files visually. Now in UE 11, this feature seems to have been lost.

          Anyone know how to do this?


            Jul 02, 2005#5

            Experimental code using AutoHotkey.
            1. Download AutoHotKey from http://www.autohotkey.com
            2. Install it
            3. Save the script bellow as ueSingleClick.ahk
            4. Double click ueSingleClick.ahk
            5. And I hope that this work for you...


            ; AutoHotkey Version: 3.x
            ; Author: Akio Ito
            ; UltraEdit FindInFiles with automatic select word
            Send !c ; Keymapped Select word with Alt+C
            Send ^+F ; Keymapped FindInFiles with Ctrl+Shit+F
            Send {Enter}

            ; UltraEdit - Single click to jump to function or line from OutpuWindow
            MouseGetPos, , , id, control
            WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
            StringMid, theTitle, title, 1, 9
            if (theTitle = "UltraEdit")
            if (control = "ListBox5" or control = "ListBox1")
            MouseClick, left,,,2
            else {
            WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
            ;ToolTip,xxx=ahk_id %id%`nahk_class=%class%`ntitle=%title%`nControl: %control%`ntheTitle=%theTitle% ; Debug
            if (class = "ZTitleTip") ; Function line with tooltip
            MouseClick, left,,,3


              Dec 07, 2005#6

              I also miss the possibility to switch between FileA and FileB with a single click. But I am ok with the following workaround:
              With Advanced->Configuration->Key Mapping I made NextWindow to go with ALT+DownArrow and PreviousWindow to go with ALT+UpArrow (thereby overwritting their default assignments, which is switching between neighboring windows).

              So switching between FileA and FileB is easy done by holding ALT all the time and jumping with one finger from uparrow to downarrow and backwards.