
Syntax Highlighting Configuration

Syntax Highlighting Configuration


    Mar 11, 2006#1

    It would be nice to have the syntax highlighting configuration be a WYSIWYG that would save to the wordfile in the correct format. This would make setting up new highlighting settings easy. For example, adding key words or functions to a list and selecting a color for each list of words or functions would make it easy. Its kind of clunky now having to know what string format to type in for it to recognize functions or procedures, etc..

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 11, 2006#2

      I did not really understand what you mean with WYSIWYG and what is your problem. I have answered many questions about syntax highlighting which have forced me to test and play with the settings and keywords in the wordfile.

      So I open the source file which content is highlighted and the wordfile and split the 2 windows either vertically or horizontally. Then I can modify the wordfile and after every save of the wordfile the changes become active in the source file. So you already have WYSIWYG.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria