
Syntax Highlighting for RPG/400 - RPG/ILE (IBM AS/400)

Syntax Highlighting for RPG/400 - RPG/ILE (IBM AS/400)

Basic UserBasic User

    Oct 20, 2004#1

    Could someone please email me this word file (or later version) or link to it: RPG4UE32.zip


    Advanced UserAdvanced User

      Oct 21, 2004#2

      It's headed your way!


        Dec 08, 2004#3

        I would like a copy as well, if possible


        Bent Ronne

        Advanced UserAdvanced User

          Dec 08, 2004#4

          Hi Bent

          I need to post the syntax file but I want to put the finishing touches on it.
          I've been saying that for more than a year!

          Hey can you leave me a email address?
          I'll get it right out to you!

          I have a pretty cool taglist with all the op codes & BIFs.

          Hope this works for you.

            Jan 29, 2005#5

            Good News

            IGNITe/400 has an article on UltraEdit & RPG, see http://www.ignite400.org/html/articles/UltraEdit4RPG.htm

            And for you Net.Data folks there is an article on http://www.ignite400.org/html/articles/art165.htm

            You can download the wordfile and taglist for RPG from their site.

            Update: The 2 pages do not exist anymore.


              Jan 21, 2014#6

              Can you please send a copy of this wordfile for RPGLE to
              [email protected]


              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Jan 25, 2014#7

                I do not know anything about RPG/400 - RPG/ILE (IBM AS/400).

                I found an old wordfile on AS400 Free Downloads page containing multiple syntax highlighting language definitions. The first syntax highlighting language definition in this old wordfile was surely never one of the syntax highlighting language definitions installed with UltraEdit. I have copied this syntax highlighting language definition to as400.uew and fixed some obvious mistakes. I'm not sure if as400.uew is really what you are looking for.

                Please let me know if as400.uew is useful for highlighting IBM RPG files.

                And I found a Chinese blog containing a text copy of a syntax highlighting language definition which I copied into file rpg.uew. I have fixed also on this file obvious mistakes.

                Please let me know if rpg.uew is useful for highlighting RPG/ILE files.

                And let me also know if something could be further improved, for example the function string in as400.uew which is most likely not the best.

                In case one of the 2 wordfiles is indeed useful for syntax highlighting RPG/400 - RPG/ILE, and perhaps we could even improve it with your knowledge about RPG and my knowledge about syntax highlighting and regular expressions, I would finally sent the wordfile for RPG to IDM by email for making it available for download on IDM's server via the wordfiles download page.
                as400_rpg_wordfiles.zip (2.36 KiB)   201
                Contains the 2 wordfiles as400.uew and rpg.uew.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                  15:52 - Oct 25#8

                  rpg.uew works perfectly for what I need. Thanks!