Syntax highlighting keywords with underscores in VBS and ASP files

Syntax highlighting keywords with underscores in VBS and ASP files


    Sep 30, 2011#1

    I've got an issue I can't seem to find a solution for. I have a classic asp file (several of them) that have variables defined with underscores in them, some of the them contain keywords after the underscore and UE (studio) is highlighting the keyword as if it were alone. For example if a variable is named "first_name" then "name" ends up getting highlighted.
    I unchecked the "underscore is word stop.." but that only worked for ctrl+left arrow, and I don't see anything else that jumps out at me as a solution. Any help would be appreciated.



    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 30, 2011#2

      Another user has had the same problem and the solution is quite simple.
      • Open Advanced - Configuration - Editor Display - Syntax Highlighting.
      • Select language VBScript ASP if not already preselected.
      • Press the button Open to the right of the language.
      • Close the configuration dialog with button Cancel.
      • The wordfile vbscript.uew used for syntax highlighting ASP code is open now. Look on the line starting with /Delimiters =.
      • This line defines the word delimiting characters and you see in this line also the underscore character. Delete it.
      • Save the wordfile and close it. Now strings with an underscore are interpreted as a word.
      I have sent following to IDM support by email 4 weeks ago:
      Mofi wrote:The standard wordfile vbscript.uew contains the underscore character as word delimiter on the line starting with "/Delimiters =". I'm not really familiar with VBS or ASP, but I think that the underscore is not a word delimiting character in Visual Basic scripts.

      Therefore I suggest to remove this character from the delimiters definition line in vbscript.uew.
      The reply from IDM support was:
      IDM wrote:Thank you for your message and suggestion. I'm not sure what is most correct here, but I will forward this suggestion to our developers for consideration.
      As you can see it would be good if as many ASP / VBS programmers as possible would report the same to IDM by email to get the underscore character removed from the list of delimiters on next major release. (Hotfix updates usually do not update the wordfiles.) Therefore I invite you to report this issue also by email.

      And the underscore was not present anymore as delimiter in vbscript.uew of UEStudio v11.20.


        Sep 30, 2011#3

        Wow, I'm such an idiot!! As soon as I read your post I could have kicked myself for not figuring it out.

        Thanks for the quick, and helpful, reply!!