
Syntax highlighting not working for jsp files

Syntax highlighting not working for jsp files


    Dec 30, 2004#1

    I've been reading alot of the posts here and it seems that what I'm doing SHOULD be working but it's not.

    I wanted to add syntax highlighting for jsp files and first I added my own /L10 item to the wordfile.txt file from the instructions in the help file and that didn't work. Then on the forum I discovered that you could get existing wordfiles for all sorts of files and I went to the link and copied the text for the jsp wordfile and pasted it at the end of the wordfile document in my ultraedit folder. But it's still not working...almost everything between the scriptlet brackets("<%" and "%>")is the color of a comment, despite the fact that there are all sorts of "/C" items for things from scriptlets to reserved words to classes. And the other "/C" type items aren't displaying as they should either. I've tried restarting UltraEdit and even restarting my pc, but no luck.

    What am I doing wrong??

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jan 01, 2005#2

      In standard Wordfile.txt, language 3 /L3"HTML" is already assigned to JSP. Remove JSP from the definition line of language 3 and try again.

      Users can see which language definition is used for highlighting for the current file by open menu View - View As (Highlighting File Type). So take a look there.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jan 01, 2005#3

        Thank you so so much!! That worked and now I know how I can see which syntax highlighting is being used. Happy New Year from a grateful newbie!


          Feb 14, 2008#4

          I am having a problem to get JSP highlight.

          My jsp syntax does not get highlighted if it's inside the <% and %>.
          class foo() {

          does not get highlighted, but

          <% %>
          class foo() {

          is highlighted. It is strange. Does anyone have this problem?