
Tab moving, suggestion: lock a tab

Tab moving, suggestion: lock a tab


    Jun 20, 2006#1


    i don't know whether this is the right place for this - sorry if not.

    I think i found a little bug, maybe a feature:
    :?: have you ever tryed to move the tab of an open file if only 2 files are open ?
    :( that doesn't seem to work. in some cases it would be nice to change the squence of the files.

    :idea: Some times you open up a Project and you just want to keep some files open. It would be nice to lock that Tabs so that you could use the command 'Close All Tabs' and keep the locked Tabs open.

    :mrgreen: one other thing was the double-view of one open File - but that is released in V12.

    - Frank -

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 20, 2006#2

      First see Is it possible to more a file tab to the right-most.

      Second you can still change the order of 2 files if you drag the second file tab before the first file tab (right to left move). It's not possible to move the first file tab to the end of the tabs to have it as second file.

      Third, maybe a good idea with the tabs lock. But why not simply closing all tabs not needed anymore manually with a double click on the file tab or by pressing Ctrl+F4. Well, if you have 100 files open and you want to keep 5 files, closing it manually is not a good idea. It's faster to close all and reopen the 5 files of further interest. For closing all files except the current one you can use File - Close All Except This.

      With the current v12.10a of UltraEit it is possible to fast close all files except the files of interest. Since v12.10+3 if a file is closed the document next to the closed file gets the focus and not the previously used file. This handling is bad for macros, but good for you. You can move the 5 files of further interest to most left position. Then select the last file tab at most right position and press and hold Ctrl+F4 until all files except the first 5 are closed.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria