taglist popup

taglist popup

Basic UserBasic User

    Oct 24, 2007#1

    Hi, I've got a problem with the "tag list": if I resize the column of the tag list and make it small (so small that not all the text of the tag is shown), when the mouse goes over a tag, appears a small popup (with the complete text of the tag), that prevents me from clicking regularly (usually two clicks are enough, but when the popup appears, you have to click multiple times in order to enter the tag).
    Can you please tell me how can I avoid such popup from appearing? Any other way to solve this?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Oct 24, 2007#2

      Yes, I have exactly the same problem. I have sent a bug report email to IDM support on Feb 2007 that the tooltip shown with full tag description and tag text is always displayed exactly underneath the mouse pointer preventing me to double click on the tag to insert it.

      I'm afraid of that the IDM developers have not changed that till now to what I have suggested, show the tooltip below the lower edge of the mouse pointer as it is usual for tooltips.

      If you would write and sent also a bug report email to IDM support maybe the chance increases that this issue will be fixed in a future version.

      I don't know any setting to turn off this tooltip.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Apr 13, 2008#3


        I've got a problem with the "tag list": if I resize the column of the tag list and make it small (so small that not all the text of the tag is shown), when the mouse goes over a tag, appears a small popup (with the complete text of the tag). Because for some tags there's a rather long text, it doesn't fít on screen (as the font and size are big and the text doesn't break into lines)! In older versions of UltraEdit this was much smaller and did break into lines!

        Is there any way to change the layout of the tag list popup, that is font, size, line breaks etc.?


        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 13, 2008#4

          No! And I'm also still waiting for a change on the position of the popup. I'm supporting totally your wish for a change in display position as I have already written and reported to IDM by email (several times) and also a change in font size and line-wrap mode.

            Jul 07, 2008#5

            This issue is fixed with UltraEdit v14.10. Now the tooltip for the tag does not prevent anymore a double click on the tag to insert it.

            Here are 2 screenshots of the tooltip of the same tag for UE v13.20a+1 (upper) and UE v14.10 (lower).
            TagTooltip_UEv1320.png (1.01KiB)
            Tag tooltip in UltraEdit v13.20a+1
            TagTooltip_UEv1410.png (1.07KiB)
            Tag tooltip in UltraEdit v14.10
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria