Template gone missing with UltraEdit mobile (UEm)

Template gone missing with UltraEdit mobile (UEm)


    May 28, 2012#1


    I've purchased portable Ultraedit app and have been creating templates in my laptop with Windows 7 OS. After a while I need to use my templates in my office laptop running on Windows XP so I did plugged my external drive into my office PC. It was great because I was able to access all my templates. But when I plugged my external drive back to my laptop running on Windows 7 OS, the templates were gone missing. Heart attaced!!! I then tried to plug again my external drive into my office laptop and found that the templates are there.

    Has anybody had this experience? Kindly post how can I make my templates reside in the external drive? It seems that the template has now lived in the XP OS.

    Many thanks

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 28, 2012#2

      I'm not using UltraEdit Portable. Perhaps another user using UEP can help better than I. Nevertheless, I give some hints in hope they are helpful.

      Smart templates management explains how the templates are managed by UltraEdit for Windows since UE v18.00. I can make only speculations on how smart templates are managed by UEP. I think as long as Template directory at Advanced - Configuration - Directories is not set, UEP most likely manages the templates like UE in a subdirectory named templates in the directory of the used INI file. So I suggest to check if the templates directory is in the directory of the INI file of UEP. The full path of used INI file should be displayed at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - Advanced.


        May 28, 2012#3

        At one point my UEP had started using the %APPDATA% path of UltraEdit for the INI file. Don't know why, but it did. UE was already installed on the machine when I first ran UEP, and for some reason UEP found that and started using it. When I went to a new machine, my templates and my wordfiles were no longer there (specialized wordfiles). Only the default stuff.

        I check the paths, and had to manually fix them in the INI file.

        Once I did that, I never had the problem again. Just had to make a copy of my wordfiles and templates from my UE install on my hard drive to the portable drive.

        I generally don't use UEP much, though, so I'm probably not the best one to answer as well. Just use it for testing my UE Companion program and occasional use when I travel, but I generally try not to work when I travel.


          May 28, 2012#4

          Thanks for the replies.

          Yes, the drive in the template directory has changed when I used my UltraEdit in the XP OS and for some reason, UltraEdit did not dynamically determine the drive when I plugged it in Windows 7. So I had to manually change the drive.


            May 28, 2012#5

            This is an issue I had reported a while back. You should report this issue to IDM, as UEP should always update the INI file with the correct paths.