
Title bar showing old DOS file name format

Title bar showing old DOS file name format


    Aug 11, 2004#1

    I am using UltraEdit v10.10. When opened a file for editing, the titlebar shows the full path name of the file in the old DOS format, e. g. C:\PROGRA~1\

    Does anyone know if this can be changed so the directory is shown in its full name?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Aug 13, 2004#2

      I also use V10.10c and my UE shows the long path and file names in title bar.
      How do you open the files in UE? With File - Open, drag the file to the window of UE and drop it there, or by double clicking on the file in Windows Explorer?

      Test, if you get different title bars with these 3 methods.

      If you use the last one (double click), the reason why UE displays the short name is caused by the registry setting for this file extension.

      @="\"C:\\Program Files\\UltraEdit\\Uedit32.exe\" \"

      You have to replace %1 by %L to force Windows Explorer to pass the file name to UE in long and not in short 8.3 format. Maybe you will have to replace %1 more than once.

      You could change %1 also on File Types tab of the Folder Options dialog of Windows (Explorer), if you are not familiar with editing in registry.


        Aug 13, 2004#3

        :D Many thanks to Austria !!!! :D