It looks like you are doing all right. The user account name is identical on both PCs. The
Documents folder with the projects/workspaces should have therefore the same path on both PCs too. It should be enough renaming the
*.pui files by replacing the old computer name by the new computer name to be recognized by UltraEdit on new PC on opening a project/workspace.
*.uew files are
wordfiles (syntax highlighting files) which are usually not stored in the
Documents folder but in the folder of which full path is displayed in the configuration window at
Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Editor display which is by default
%APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\wordfiles. These are plain text files and not binary files.
*.uec files are
configuration files created by using
Backup/restore user customizations by the user. Their storage location is by default the
Documents folder but can be changed by the user on creation of a backup. These are indeed binary files.
There could be used the free Windows Sysinternals (Microsoft) tool
Process Monitor and let it record all
file system activities done by
Process Name is uedit64.exe. It should be quite easy to see on the not found files in the log created by
Process Monitor on startup of UltraEdit after restoring the configuration from old PC what is the cause of not reloading the files on startup of UltraEdit or on opening a project/workspace.
All the
session options are stored in the file
%APPDATA%\IDMComp\UltraEdit\ue.ini with:
[Open Files]
Remember Files=1
The value can be also
0 on having not checked
Reload files previously open on startup.
Open from Explorer also loads file list=1
Prompt to save Edit files=0
Reload FTP Files=1
Reload changes to Edit files=1
Reload changes to saved files=1
The configuration settings in section
[Settings] can be never seen in
ue.ini on having the default value
1 respectively
0 for second setting as shown above as UltraEdit does not store these settings in this case in the INI file for faster startup. These settings can be seen in
ue.ini only on being unchecked in the configuration window respectively
Discard unsaved "Edit" files with no prompt on application close is checked and having therefore the value
0 respectively
1 for
Prompt to save Edit files. In other words all the settings in
[Settings] as posted above will be never written into the file
ue.ini. There can be seen in this file only:
Open from Explorer also loads file list=0
Prompt to save Edit files=1
Reload FTP Files=0
Reload changes to Edit files=0
Reload changes to saved files=0
What does happen if you simply open the files on new PC as opened on old PC, exit UltraEdit on new PC, and start UE again on new PC? Are the previously opened files reloaded on startup?
You could pack
ue.ini and
volatile\ue.vod and one
*.prj file with its
*.pui file into a 7-Zip, RAR or ZIP archive file and attach that archive file to your next post if I should investigate the files and look for corruptions causing malfunctions. The data in the files will become of course public. If you need to keep them private, report the issue to UltraEdit support by email with attaching the archive file and let UltraEdit support analyze the cause of the issue with reloading files on first startup after copying the configuration and project/workspace files from old to new PC.