
Trouble saving after using "FTP Save As"

Trouble saving after using "FTP Save As"


    Oct 27, 2004#1

    I'm using version 10.20c of UltraEdit Professional. Whenever I do an "FTP save as" and put a copy of the file on different disk, I lose the ability to save using the "Disk" toolbar icon. Clicking it gives me a
    "Request denied: 550 %%RMS-E-DNF, directory not found: TEST (test is the name of the disk on our server). I have to respond to 3 of these messages the final one showing STOR command failed: with same error message listed above.

    As a workaround, however, I can go to File, FTP, Save As to FTP, and click the Save As button (without changing anything) and everything works just fine.

    I believe this process worked fine on a lower version of UltraEdit, but do not recall which one as I'm just now getting around to reporting it....It has been a problem on at least the last three version I've used. Any ideas on how to fix this? Or is this a known bug?


      Jan 11, 2005#2

      I'm having a similar problem, but don't know what changed in the mean time. I do an FTP save as to a unix box (sun) and I can open the files no problem if I use FTP File open. However, if I set Uedit to automatically open files that where open when I last shut down, I have problems with the remote files. What's odd, is that it's only with some remote files, not all of them. And some files now open fine that used to exhibit this problem.

      The files are in a directory .../defects on the unix box.

      When it tries to open them it says first "Fetching file defects", then another window pops up and says:
      RETR command failed:
      550: defects: not a plain file

      If I Save As to a local disk I never have this problem.
      Anyone have any ideas?


        Jan 11, 2005#3

        I upgraded to 10.20c and some the problem has gone away. Also, I figured out that if I never enter any part of the directory in the filename box, but always navigate to the appropriate directory using the browse box above the filename box, then just put simple filenames (no path info) in the filename box, I never have a problem with saving files.
