
Turn off background color for printing

Turn off background color for printing


    Jul 30, 2014#1

    I have grown rather fond of having a nice dark colored background for editing. But when I print, with syntax highlighting turned on, it prints with the same dark background. Unfortunately that doesn't work so well. Is there a way to eliminate the dark background when printing, other than switching the theme? As a suggestion, (maybe I missed it), the ideal solution would be an option for selecting a different theme for printing than for editing.

    Power UserPower User

      Jul 30, 2014#2

      On the menu

      File -> Print Setup/Configuration -> Page Setup

      uncheck the box Print Syntax Highlighting

      Another possibility if you wish to keep some syntax highlighting but printer friendly would be to define a second copy of your language (example: HTML_prnt) with contrasting syntax highlighting. Then all you need to do before printing is select View -> View As (Highlighting File Type) and pick the other syntax highlighting definition.


        Jul 30, 2014#3

        Thanks MickRC3. I tried that, but that looses all the other text highlighting that I want to keep. I like see in comments in a different color. Makes it easy to skip over etc... I've actually been switching my theme, printing, then switching back to get the effect I'm looking for.
        10 bonus points for trying though :lol:

        Power UserPower User

          Jul 30, 2014#4

          Tried which suggestion? Or did you see my post before I ammended it?

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jul 30, 2014#5

            @MickRC3, good idea with alternate wordfile, i.e. syntax highlighting language, just for printing. It requires for a dark UltraEdit theme to set all colors and background colors inverse for this syntax highlighting language to print with white background, but nevertheless a good idea.

            However, switching the theme is most likely more easily to achieve, especially for HTML files, as those files contain usually also other languages like CSS, JavaScript, ... and there should be always only 1 wordfile with language marker HTML_LANG, and only 1 wordfile with language marker CSS_LANG, ... in a directory with *.uew files.

            But for all other languages like C/C++, Python, Ruby, ... with no multi-language support and not often modified, the additional wordfile for printing is also practical, especially as selecting a different language can be done also via status bar if not using basic status bar.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


              Jul 31, 2014#6

              @MickRC3, I guess I replied before you amended your post. I will definately give the alternate wordfile a try. I do a lot of editing of ABAP files and other single language files, so it should work. I'll let you know. Thanks

                Jul 31, 2014#7

                I tried creating a new wordfile with different color's. In use, it's about the same as changing the theme. Both require changing before printing and then changing back. While it's a little easier to change the wordfile (because of the quick link in the status bar), it's a lot more effort to create the new word file.

                I sent in an enhancement suggestion to tech support suggesting 3 possible solutions:

                1) On Page Setup, allow a specification of a theme to be used while printing
                2) On Page Setup, add a checkbox that inverts the theme colors for printing
                3) Add "Printer Specific" color attributes to Theme and or Wordfiles.

                We'll see how that goes.

                Thanks for everyones help.