UE15 Tag List not remembering last active group selected

UE15 Tag List not remembering last active group selected


    Apr 03, 2009#1

    In UE 15, when I change the active tag group, for example from "UE/UES Script Commands" to "HTML - Special Characters" (or any other combination) and then I allow the tag list to "auto-hide" then whenever I come back to that tag list, it has gone back to the original tag group, and did not save the last tag group I selected.

    For me to get it to stick to a particular tag group, I must "undock" the list, select a new group, exit UE15, restart UE15, then re-dock the tag group. I must do this each time I decide to change the tag group I am working with, and this is totally unacceptable.

    Do I have something configured incorrectly? Or is this issue reproducible by anyone else?\

    UE; Windows XP Home SP2
    “Don’t document the problem, fix it.” – Atli Björgvin Oddsson

    Basic UserBasic User

      Apr 03, 2009#2

      Reproducible here.

      UE; WinXP Professional v2002 SP3


        Apr 03, 2009#3

        Sounds like a serious bug.

        I will report it right away.
        “Don’t document the problem, fix it.” – Atli Björgvin Oddsson

        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Apr 04, 2009#4

          But first check if your taglist file is not write-protected and UltraEdit can write to it. The active group is stored in the taglist file on exit of UltraEdit. Well, if it worked with UE v14.20 in the same directory, it is a bug of UE v15.00.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


            Re: UE15 Tag List not remembering last active group selected [Bug report submitted to support]

            Apr 04, 2009#5

            Excellent suggestion, Mofi, to check if the taglist file is write-protected. It isn't, though. I've checked it. I should have thought of that first, though. I'm slipping.

            The active group being stored on exit explains why I have to exit and come back in for it to work. Funny though, apparently it doesn't store it if it is "hidden" while docked. I have to make sure it is not "auto-hide" and "undocked" before it will save it on exit for me. Perhaps UltraEdit has a problem remembering to save it if it isn't visible.

            I was having problems with my email server (my ISP was, at least, therefore I was too) so I was unable to send out the bug report until yesterday evening, but it has been sent now. I'll just wait and see at this point.

            EDIT: I've heard from support, and they were able to reproduce the issue as well, and will have the developers look into this issue. Hopefully, it will result in a bug fix upgrade soon.
            “Don’t document the problem, fix it.” – Atli Björgvin Oddsson

            Grand MasterGrand Master

              Dec 04, 2010#6

              It needed a long time, but finally this issue is fixed with UltraEdit v16.30.0.1000 and UEStudio v10.30.0.1000.
              Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


                Dec 06, 2010#7

                Thanks, Mofi. I have downloaded and installed UES v10.30, and, sure enough, it is working beautifully.

                Thanks for the input!
                “Don’t document the problem, fix it.” – Atli Björgvin Oddsson