
UEStudio 06 - Javascript: (h/H)eight

UEStudio 06 - Javascript: (h/H)eight


    Dec 07, 2006#1


    the height attribute ( object.style.height ) will be replaced in Height ( object.style.Height )
    The replaced could not function in IE and Firefox. Must be height (lower h )

    Installed newest UEStudio Version. Have manually corrected it in wordfile, now it works here.


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Dec 07, 2006#2

      I'm not a JavaScript expert, but it looks like you are right:

      In standard wordfile.txt in the UltraEdit and UEStudio program directory for language definition

      /L9"JavaScript" JSCRIPT_LANG Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = \ String Chars = '" File Extensions = JS

      at color group

      /C3"Methods and Properties" STYLE_METHOD

      the line

      HandleEvent Height

      must be modified to


      and additionally the line

      hash hidden history home host hostName href hspace

      must be modified to

      hash height hidden history home host hostName href hspace

      Please report this mistake to IDM support by email. In the email a link to this forum topic will be enough explanation.

      Mistake detect in wordfile.txt of UltraEdit v12.20a+4 and UEStudio v6.10a+4.

        Jan 27, 2007#3

        I have seen that the issue with height is fixed in the standard wordfile.txt of UltraEdit v12.20b+1 and UEStudio v6.10b+1. Both install packages have the file date 2007-01-19.
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria