UEStudio can no longer find ruby.exe/rubyw.exe

UEStudio can no longer find ruby.exe/rubyw.exe


    Aug 04, 2006#1

    I reinstalled ruby with a change of directory and UEStudio seems to have lost sight of it. Originally, Ruby was installed in the directory c:\program files\ruby\. Now I have it installed in c:\ruby\.

    I've checked the .ini file, searched the other files in the UEStudio directory (%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\...), double checked the file associations, searched the registry changing any c:\program file\ruby to c:\ruby, rebooted and reinstalled.

    Using FileMon, I can see UES opens the .ini file (and then tries to use path c:\program files\ruby\...) whenever I attempt to do a ruby Syntax check or try to run a script.

    There is no entry in the .ini file. Should there be? Would anyone know what this entry would be (location/content)?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Aug 04, 2006#2

      I don't have ruby installed. But I have found following non resource strings in the uestudio.exe:


      The last one lets me think that UEStudio reads from registry key


      a value (DefaultPath ?) with the path to the Ruby install directory and searches then for ruby.exe or rubyw.exe in the bin subdirectory of the ruby install directory.

      So check the values at this key in the registry. Use additionally Regmon from SysInternals.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Aug 04, 2006#3

        Thank you Mofi. I went back to regedit and found that I missed one entry in the key path
        [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCache].

        There were two subkeys there for Ruby: [HKEY...\ARPCache\Ruby] and [HKEY...\ARPCache\Ruby-184-20], which is my latest install.

        In both there is a REG_BINARY named 'SlowInfoCache'. The one in 'Ruby' had the old path, the one in 'Ruby-184-20' had the current path.

        I removed the old Ruby key and changed the name of the Ruby-184-20 to just Ruby.

        The problem went away and UES/ruby works again. I'm assuming that UES uses this AppCache key or there is a Microsoft 'middleman' that uses it.

        Thank you for your rapid response, Mofi.


        Grand MasterGrand Master

          Aug 04, 2006#4

          It's a Microsoft Windows XP thing, maybe also Win2K. Windows XP really traces everything. It's the widest spread and most often used spy bot worldwide and most users even don't know how many data WinXP collect in background about user activity. Well, the most traces/caches/MRU entries are for increasing speed of WinXP, but they could be analyzed also from a different point of view to generate an user profile. You need a program like SpyBot Search & Destroy to delete those traces.

          I delete the whole arpcache key and the files in C:\Windows\Prefetch and many other entries/files once per month. That's not only for deleting privacy data, it's also for increasing speed because the caches increase in size permanently because not existing programs are never deleted from the caches. UltraSentry is a wonderful tool to quickly delete those traces/caches in files and registry. It's only a little bit time consuming to add the files and registry keys to a profile. Don't ask for my profile. Many files/entries include paths different for every user and my WinXP installation is far away from the Microsoft standard. For example I have WinXP eng., but there is no Documents and Settings directory on my computer.
          Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria