UEStudio script for creating a table using sample data and text

UEStudio script for creating a table using sample data and text


    10:24 - 10 days ago#1

    Can somebody create a UEStudio script for creating a table using sample data and text?

    Code: Select all

    <p>Table 1&#x2013; ABCD Pvt Ltd</p>
    <p>A B C D</p>
    <p>E F G H</p>
    <p>I J K </p>
    The numbered table caption:

    Code: Select all

    <p>Table 1&#x2013; ABCD Pvt Ltd</p>
    A not numbered table caption:

    Code: Select all

    <p>ABCD Pvt Ltd</p>
    The table data:

    Code: Select all

    <p>A B C D</p>
    <p>E F G H</p>
    <p>E F G </p>
    Sample data as full table element:

    Code: Select all

    <tabular xml:id="c0@-tbl-000@">
    <title type="main">ABCD Pvt Ltd</title>
    <table frame="topbot" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
    <tgroup cols="4">
    <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" align="left"/>
    <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" align="left"/>
    <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" align="left"/>
    <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" align="left"/>
    <thead valign="bottom">
    <entry colname="col1">A</entry>
    <entry colname="col2">B</entry>
    <entry colname="col3">C</entry>
    <entry colname="col4">D</entry>
    <tbody valign="top">
    <entry colname="col1">E</entry>
    <entry colname="col2">F</entry>
    <entry colname="col3">G</entry>
    <entry colname="col4">H</entry>
    <entry colname="col1">I</entry>
    <entry colname="col2">J</entry>
    <entry colname="col3">K</entry>
    <entry colname="col4"/>
    Here <entry colname="col1"></entry> should be <entry colname="col3"/>.

    And under 

    Code: Select all

    <row><entry colname="col@">E</entry></row>
    should be always sequences mandatory, i.e.

    Code: Select all

    <entry colname="col@">E</entry>
    <entry colname="col@">F</entry>
    <entry colname="col@">G</entry>
    <entry colname="col@">H</entry>
    should be

    Code: Select all

    <entry colname="col1">E</entry>
    <entry colname="col2">F</entry>
    <entry colname="col3">G</entry>
    <entry colname="col4">H</entry>

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      17:37 - 9 days ago#2

      I want to give first some advice on how to ask for help in UltraEdit/UEStudio user-to-user forums.
      1. Summarize in the subject what the topic is about or in this case what is the task to solve with a script.
        If a person asking for help is not able to summarize the task, it is in my experience of 30 years of coding a waste of time even beginning with writing the code. It will be for sure not meet the expectation of the person asking for help as the person does oneself not really know what should be the result of the code.
      2. There is a toolbar above the edit area which can and should be used to format the text in a post. If the mouse pointer is positioned for a short time over a symbol in the toolbar, a tooltip appears below the mouse pointer with a hint what this symbol is for. The second from the right is formatting a selected text block as code block (preformatted text in HTML).
      3. There must be known the used version of UltraEdit or UEStudio on writing a script (or macro) as there are differences between the versions. It is very often a wasting of time on writing a script (or macro) for the currently newest version working fine with that version but does not work with the version of UE/UES as used by the person asking for help because of using a much older version. Any application of UltraEdit, Inc. has an About window which shows the version information. It is possible on not using a very old version to select the version information with the mouse and copy it with Ctrl+C into the clipboard for pasting the version information somewhere else like the edit area of a forum post in web browser window.
      4. UltraEdit and UEStudio macros have no support for variables. A task with incrementing something in the active file is therefore nearly impossible to code with an UltraEdit/UEStudio macro. Reformatting of text block which requires something other than just find and replaces requires nearly always a script solution.
      5. The name of the application used by you is UEStudio and not ULTRA Studio. Please do not invent a term for something which has a dedicated name. You will not see ULTRA Studio in any window of UEStudio or its help or on any web page of UltraEdit, Inc. The name of the application is UEStudio. Please use that name.
      What is with the script written by me and posted at Script for renumbering sequence identifiers with at least a four digit identifier? You have not replied to this topic. That does not really motivate me spending again time for writing a script for you which is perhaps not used by you at all. A code writer expects always a feedback from the person asking for the code.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria