UltraCompare - Exclude files / folders older than xx date / time window

UltraCompare - Exclude files / folders older than xx date / time window


    Jun 29, 2023#1

    Using latest 2023.0 UC
    I'd like to be able to exclude all files / folders older than a certain date/time.
    I make incremental backups spanning multiple media targets and as I know they are on older media, I want to exclude those already saved.
    Anyone know how I can achieve this? Is it even possible in UC? Other file copying product I have used have this feature.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 29, 2023#2

      The page UltraCompare latest changes listing currently the latest changes from UC 2022.0 to 2023.0 does not contain any information about an option for ignoring folders / files older than X seconds / minutes / hours / days / weeks / months / years / a specific date. An information about such an option could not be found by me in my personal records about added features in even older versions of UltraCompare.

      The page UltraCompare feature list contains no information about such a folder comparison option.

      The Current Session Properties - Folder Mode dialog window offers no such ignore option. There is also no such ignore option on any ribbon tab respectively in any menu. There is no such ignore option for a folder comparison in the Configuration.

      A search for the words older AND ignore in help of English UltraCompare Professional 2023.0.30 results in opening a message box with the information No topics found. A search in help with just the word older and next with just the word ignore lists help pages, but none of them is about an option to ignore folders / files older than …

      Conclusion: It looks like UltraCompare 2023.0.0.30 does not support ignoring files / folders older than …

      There should be requested such a feature with an email sent to support of UltraEdit, Inc. for a future version. The enhancement request should have details about the wanted enhancement. There should be attached also an archive file (7-Zip, RAR, ZIP) with two folders each with two or more subfolders and with files in the six or more folders which demonstrate the usage of such an ignore option on an example for better understanding and for testing. The better the wanted feature is explained the likelier is the enhancement implemented exactly as needed in a future version.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jun 29, 2023#3

        Thanks Mofi.
        I will go add an enhancement request.