UltraCompare Lite prints blank page

UltraCompare Lite prints blank page


    May 23, 2008#1

    We just upgraded to v14.00 from v10. When we did a compare, both panels were blank.
    Read that if I change the font, it will magically appear. It did.
    However, when we go to print the compare or look at it in print preview, both of them are blank. Can't find any help. Tried redoing the font in compare and still no output. :?

    How can I get Compare to have a printout that I can actually see?

    Thanks in advance

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      May 26, 2008#2

      It looks like this is caused by a program code mistake in UltraCompare Lite. According to UltraCompare Professional vs. UltraCompare Lite most printing related features are not available in the Lite version, only printing a text compare result should work. But as you detected this does not work too. Please report this issue to IDM support by email to get a fixed version of UltraCompare Lite in a future release.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria