
    Dec 01, 2004#31

    Got my vote too. Perhaps Wine will work, not tried... But it will be more slow.


      Dec 02, 2004#32

      :idea: Most of the corporate world is looking to move to Linux workstation and UltraEdit is the best editor out there with no one even coming close. We need UltraEdit ported to Linux your editor will grow even more then it is today if you ported it to Linux. I have been using UE for over 4 years now and I am in the LDAP world and it is a life saver working with ldif files and making changes to large files is a must to use UE. The macro's rock and it makes my work get done faster then with any other editor. But I am going to a Linux platform and my work is mostly on a unix platform and vi and other editors just don't cut it. Please port it to Linux you got my vote and money to buy it 8O


        Dec 03, 2004#33

        Just another one .... Please port UE to Linux.

        pretty please. we've got everything else we need in linux but a GOOD editor...

        Like all the others, I've my credit card ready, even to help funding the developement. Some one suggested a Paypal button to start donate ... good idea!


          Dec 30, 2004#34


          I would also pay for a UE Linux version...

          See this series of post in slashdot.org some times ago and specially the answer from IDM peoples : http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?s ... d=10271249

          I don't think we will get this soon :cry:


            Jan 10, 2005#35

            Here is my vote too!
            Just another one who is waiting and willing to pay for a Linux port of UE.


              Jan 11, 2005#36

              No platform is "Serious" until it has Column Mode.
              How do people do work without this stuff? I'll never know.
              I was recently involved with a team project that required a truly epic amount of copying-and-pasting of text (localizing an application.)
              We divided up the work equally between the various team members, and then went to our offices.
              Using UltraEdit, I was done in 40 minutes. The second-fastest team member took two days.
              If the Linux version cost $99, I wouldn't bat an eyelash.


                Jan 14, 2005#37

                I agree with everyone here about the *nix port. I've emailed Ian a couple times over the years regarding this topic, and he's expressed genuine interest in developing a *nix version, but admitted that no work had been done to date.

                It's true, UltraEdit is the only Win32 application that I've never found a *nix replacement for. gedit is an editor by Paulo Maggi that originally set out to be a "UltraEdit clone" for *nix, but it development has slowed to a crawl in the last year and I'm doubtful that it'll get much farther than it's current state.

                Anyhow, if Ian does embark on the Linux porting effort, I ask him to keep *BSD in mind as well (FreeBSD in particular). There is Linux binary support that works pretty well, but it'd still be nice if someone at IDM tested it on *BSD on some regular basis.



                  Jan 15, 2005#38

                  I know UE is not a free software like openoffice.org, firefox etc, but if we all want a linux version, why not ask IDM to organize a "fund raising" campaing like OpenOffice.org did sometimes ago.

                  Yes, ok, IDM is a commercial company and it would be crazy to pay them before they'd produce the linux version, but if this is just a money problem...


                    Jan 20, 2005#39

                    Add my vote for a linux version of ultraedit. When it's there, I can completely switch from windows to linux. For now, I'm using ultraedit with wine under linux, but it isn't the same...


                      Jan 23, 2005#40

                      port this lovely software to linux will ya!!.....

                      hell... i'll even help with the coding if needs be... :o)



                        Jan 24, 2005#41

                        Just to add my vote too.... - I switched to Linux about a year ago and found just like everybody else that there's no replacement for UE.

                        Jaco Burger


                          Jan 24, 2005#42

                          Just had a thought, how about selling the rights to make a linux port ?, If they dont have the time for it themselfe, then sell the right to do it. I'm sure that there are a company out there who would be interested.... ?



                            Jan 28, 2005#43

                            Well, let me add my voice to the chorus. I have used UltraEdit for 6 or 7 years now and, over the past 2 years I have been dual-booting Linux and Windows on my home computer. I am now spending 95% of my time in Linux and the only thing I really miss from Windows (I am not a big gamer) is UltraEdit. While ther are things beginning to develop in Linux (for Html/xhtml/css/etc, Bluefish is very nice and I think the Kate project is moving in the right direction), there is still nothing that comes close to this package.

                            So, please...! Keep your source closed, charge big bucks, I don't care. I think people would go for it.


                              Feb 07, 2005#44

                              Here is another step to the right direction.
                              http://www.trolltech.com/newsroom/annou ... 00192.html

                              Now IDM has "just" to port UltraEdit from MFC to Qt and we will be closer to a Linux or even MacOS version of UltraEdit :)


                                Feb 12, 2005#45


                                Chalk up another vote for UE on Linux.

                                Even if I tried, I could not care less about whether IDM opens their code, or does a console version, or etc. Not saying that stuff doesn't matter; just saying something quick and dirty soon please IDM!

                                With FireFox out now, the absense of UE for Linux is actually the main thing that's keeping me from really trying to switch to Linux. I've dabbled a bit, even going so far as a successful Linux install a couple times, but I'm not giving up UE.

                                I've considered trying to do the Wine thing, but don't really feel up to adding that to the already pretty significant learning curve involved with switching to Linux.

                                I don't know if things even work this way, but I'll ask just in case:

                                Would it be possible to somehow package UE & Wine together to make it easier for Linux neophytes like me?

                                Even if there are a couple of limitations that go along with UE under Wine, if something in that direction could be done it might be a lot of bang for IDM's development buck.

                                Semi-relatedly, I wish IDM would set up a wiki for documentation, feedback gathering etc. Just-wiki-it, mon.

                                There's some debate about wiki for commercial software companies but the main point against going that route (the loss of control over what gets said) is also/already present using forums and it seems to be working outt pretty well for this user community..

                                Some implementation that allowed for IDM to retain the right amount of control over some or all of it could surely be accomplished pretty easily.

                                MultiEdit's got one..

                                And, to flesh out the wish and maybe plant a seed, I'd suggest a site-visitor created section of such a wiki to detail getting UE under Wine going. I'm sure I'd find myself chipping in to put that together, especially if there were some UE-loving, Linux-steeped compadres that wanted to do the community support thing to help two beloved pieces of software.

                                Ahh,, idle Saturday morning side thoughts..

                                Anyhoo, chalk up another one for UE on Linux.

                                Cheers, :)

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